Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,660,839 Issue: 706 | 6th day of Storing, Y17
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My New Morphing Potion

by navalgazer

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Great stories!


The Adventures of Kad and Drooly: Part 3

by iciclefaerie05


Sweet Pea
A vanity story

by junkgirl


Unconverted Disadvantages
That is SO embarassing

Also by: mauvus

by roxanna203


The Faerie of Ars Arcanium: Part One
"I mean the problems with magic around all of Neopia, it's affecting me and the other Faeries too." Taelia said. Diakumablo and Sinisal stared at her in shock. It was true that magic seemed to be going haywire recently and any Neopet who tried to use it would never get the desired result. It was causing quite a lot of trouble for Neopia, but they weren't aware that this was affecting the Faeries of Neopia too.

by orisasda

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