Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 193,660,839 Issue: 706 | 6th day of Storing, Y17
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Ewww Garlic

by trilce

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The Shade Files - Halloween Nightmare: Part Three
We had been gone for approximately over three hours while we were exploring the tomb and the subsequent battle, yet when we came back, we found ourselves in a slightly altered Neopia. Somehow, during those three hours that we were gone, something drastic must have happened that caused Blizzard to worry about us when we did not return despite Shadow Breezeā€™s signal earlier.

by lupe_hunter_7


Eclectic Antics: Writing Tip
A scathing, poignant remark will henceforth be scrawled in this vacuous space.

by amarettoball


Results May Vary: Giant Squid
Physics? HA! What are those?

by return_of_itsy


In Stitches
"Come on, now, Mr. Rotter. I'll never be able to sew your arm back on if you don't stop hiding in the cellar." The zombie peered up at the Plushie Gnorbu as he loomed over the cellar door and shuddered, inching further back into the shadows.

by cannizarro

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