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Educational Games on Neopets

by rosiepedal


I know most children that frequent this site aren't focusing on their education, but I know their parents would love discovering the educational aspects of Neopets. This got me thinking about what kinds of things children can learn playing games on Neopets. After doing some research on what games I believe would have some educational factors with in the Neopian world, I comprised a list of games that will help with math, language and spelling, and problem-solving abilities. Children sometimes struggle with these things, but these games will make it a fun and addictive experience.

1. Math's Nightmare:

For this game, the title is pretty self-explanatory: it helps with math! I has varying difficulty levels and the four basic math functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It also help children with their processing as each level of difficult has the problems come faster. It also has an option to mix up the types of questions for a diversity of problems, which is helpful for older children. The difficulty levels alter the amount of numbers and the complexity of the math problems.

2. Spell Seeker:

This game focuses on spelling, but it also helps processing by making players form a chain of letters to make words. It's a bit easier than Math's Nightmare and has an option to link symbols together, which is perfect for younger children. The number sequences usually go up by 2 or 3 numbers depending on the level.

3. Spell or Starve:

Spell or Starve is a great that also helps with spelling. Searching for the words can be fun, but it's a bit too tough for children younger than seven. They have various levels which can alter the board's difficulty depending on your child's level. Sometimes it's hard to find more words, but they have a shuffle button the helps you find new combinations you didn't have access to before.

4. Eliv Thade:

Eliv Thade is a puzzle scramble game that gets the brain thinking. This game is a bit of a challenge, though, as it uses a lot of odd words that not many people know. You can unscramble words that are 4-6 letters long and solve the case of mystery that's happening at the castle. This game is not only good for children but adults for well!

5. Word Poker:

In Word Poker, you get a set of letters and try to make the most words out of them as you can. This is a very creative exercise and helps with processing. There are many interesting combinations of words in each set, so there's lots of fun to be had with this game!

6. Faerie Crossword:

There's nothing like testing your knowledge of Neopets by doing a crossword about it. Older kids would love trying to search for the answers all over Neopia to get the prize at the end. There's also an avatar in store if you finish a puzzle!

7. Negg Cave:

Negg Cave is definitely a good puzzle game for older kids. It's a bit difficult to learn how to solve each puzzle, but in the end you will get a prize (and possibly an avatar)! There are some guides to teach you about how the puzzle is supposed to be solved, but overall it's a great brain challenger.

8. Typing Terror:

As the world is getting more and more accustomed to technology, more and more schools are teaching typing because it's in high demand in the working world. Typing Terror will help your child get familiar with the keyboard. It starts out pretty easy, but as the levels get harder you have to get used to not looking at the keyboard and memorizing where the letters are. A good sentence to type as a strategy for this game is, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs". It uses every letter in the alphabet. How many times can you type that without looking at the keyboard?

9. Techo Says:

You're probably saying to yourself, "What? Techo Says? What on earth does a bunch of yodeling Neopets have to do with education"? What most people forget is that Techo Says helps your memory! Psychologists say you can only remember up to seven things at once, but some people remember much more than seven things in Techo Says! You can challenge yourself to see how many patterns you can get right before the game finishes.

10. Word Pyramid:

Word Pyramids is a bit more complex then Spell Seeker or Spell and Starve, but it's the same basic concept: you put words together using a bunch of letters in a row to get to the next level. This one is a bit harder than the other two though, so it's probably better for children over the age of nine.

Honorable Mentions:

Some games that also have educational background such as Imperial exam, it has a similar concept of Eliv Thade but more common English terms instead of the old English terms. Roodoku is a fun game kind of hard for younger kids but prefect for children that are over eight years of age. Kou-Jong is a very extreme matching game with various levels that even adults would enjoy it. It might be a bit hard for young kids but adults and older children will enjoy it.

These games are great educational tools: they're an easy way to earn some neopoints while improving your overall mental power. The educational games might be a bit harder than games like Fashion Frenzy and Match the Petpet, but as you keep playing, these games will become as easy as Ice Cream Factory. If you do get a high score or an avatar for one of the games, maybe you should celebrate with having an ice cream cone! Just make sure you remove the Chias first.

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