Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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We found the following 34 result(s) for the keyword blackaavar

Week - 277

Moofins and Meepits Unit!: Buzz Dreams
by blackaavar_reborn
Description: Get it away!

Week - 379

Neopian Daze: Meet Urroo
by blackaavar_reborn
Description: *noms your face*

Week - 382

Neopian Daze: Meet Urroo 2
by blackaavar_reborn
Description: All of your comic are belonging to us.

Week - 397

Neopian Daze: New Petpet
by blackaavar_reborn
Description: Yes, he's just that mean.

Week - 490

Lame Pun
by blackaavar
Description: DURR, IT'S A HORSE.

Week - 516

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 1)
by blackaavar
Description: Now With %50 More Coffee

Week - 517

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 2)
by blackaavar
Description: Faeries, Who Needs 'Em? (we do)

Week - 518

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 3)
by blackaavar
Description: Will The Real Gnorbu Please Shut Up?

Week - 519

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 4)
by blackaavar
Description: Meet and Grin

Week - 520

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 5)
by blackaavar
Description: *tugs* Why is the mask stuck?

Week - 521

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 6)
by blackaavar
Description: Silver learns a lesson in Geography.

Week - 522

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 7)
by blackaavar
Description: See Antwerph, See Antwerph Run, Run Antwerph Run!

Week - 523

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 8)
by blackaavar
Description: Shop Til You Drop Got A New Meaning

Week - 524

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 9)
by blackaavar
Description: Coffee Break

Week - 525

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 10)
by blackaavar
Description: Sloth Was Here, Meepits Rule All, Jelly World is Rea-

Week - 526

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 11)
by blackaavar
Description: Happy Holidays 8D

Week - 527

Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 12)
by blackaavar
Description: And A Happy New Year!

Week - 548

Lame Pun: Know Your Yooyus
by blackaavar
Description: Caution: May Contain Fun

Week - 566

Lame Pun Presents: Von Roo
by blackaavar
Description: Von Roo's Free Meal

Week - 568

Lame Pun Presents: Treat-R-Treating
by blackaavar
Description: Now, For The Candy

Week - 591

Lame Pun: Let The War Begin
by blackaavar
Description: Nuts, Bolts, and Gutter Ball

Week - 614

Lame Pun: Getting A Head In Life: Part 1
by blackaavar
Description: What's Different About Blackaavar?

Week - 615

Lame Pun: Getting A Head In Life: Part 2
by blackaavar
Description: Carry on, silver. Carry on.

Week - 616

Lame Pun: Getting A Head In Life: Part 3
by blackaavar
Description: Can you help?

Week - 632

A Lame Pun Valentine
by blackaavar
Description: Spare me one mushy moment.

Week - 679

Lame Pun: The Tree
by blackaavar
Description: Brain Tree wants to get back to his roots.

Week - 680

Lame Pun: Rainbow Gun
by blackaavar
Description: What does it mean?

Week - 681

Lame Pun: Horsefish
by blackaavar
Description: Let's Say 'Neigh'.

Week - 682

Lame Pun: The Deserted Tomb
by blackaavar
Description: It's dark In here.

Week - 683

Lame Pun: The Lot Bone
by blackaavar
Description: Tasty.

Week - 684

Lame Pun: Curtains
by blackaavar
Description: Silver's curtain call

Week - 687

Lame Pun: Altador Cup - Part 1
by blackaavar
Description: Let's Get Ready

Week - 688

Lame Pun: Altador Cup - Part 3
by blackaavar
Description: Make Some Noise!

Week - 715

Lame Pun: Jelly Wor-
by blackaavar
Description: Where is everyone?

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