Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword sophieauditore

Week - 705

The Halloween Whack A Sloth Party
by mustikeuh121
Description: Step right up!

Art by sophieauditore

Week - 709

Obsidian Bay
by iluminescent
Description: WHY?!

Also by sophieauditore

Week - 710

by aethelar
Description: It's like a whole new Neopet.

Also by sophieauditore

Week - 711

A Puppyblew's Adventure
by sophieauditore
Description: A story of a puppyblew and his treasure.

Week - 712

Dream Neopet Giveaway Part 1
by sophieauditore
Description: Submitting your pet!

Written by queenmelissa93

Week - 713

Dream Neopet Giveaway Part 2
by sophieauditore
Description: Maybe a more general present would be better.

Written by queenmelissa93

Week - 714

When Zombies Attack...and fail.
by sophieauditore
Description: Not all zombies get the hang of it.

Written by cherishtwilight

Week - 715

Pant Devils Pants
by sophieauditore
Description: The Pant Devil steals back what is his.

Also by sage254

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The Unsettling Aftereffects
The investigation had taken longer than most, but eventually Martenik had narrowed it down to two suspects. One of them had certainly stolen the Air Faerie’s blue topaz crystal.

by jannafer


The Newcomer
When I, a Yellow Vandagyre, moved from the mountains of Shenkuu to Neopia Central, I was not sure what to expect, but I knew that there was a big surprise for me in store. Like the rest of my known friends that were heading out, I wanted to explore the world and make a difference in some way after decades of isolation.

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What Ever Happened to Galem Darkhand? - Part 1
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Tour De Neopia: Mystery Edition
Neopia is a world filled with many wonders! But with many wonders comes many mysteries, and Neopia is no exception. With there being so many lands, each with their own set of mysteries, I’ll be looking into one of the most well known mystery for each land and see what I can discover about them. There will be answers, intrigue, twists, and certainly more questions created.

by pikachu315111

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