Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,974,720 Issue: 729 | 22nd day of Eating, Y18
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We found the following 64 result(s) for the keyword chasing_stars44

Week - 664

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part One
by chasing_stars44
Description: "I'm sorry, but the Hidden Tower is closed until further notice," Fyora said. "You two have to leave right now."

Week - 665

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part Two
by chasing_stars44
Description: Remember when I said that we can't tell anyone that we're detectives? Yeah, well one Neopian knows. That would be Natia.

Week - 666

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part Three
by chasing_stars44
Description: "We should really talk to her about it."

"Talk to who about what?"

What do you know, right on schedule.

Week - 667

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Missing - Part Four
by chasing_stars44
Description: "How about we go down this way?" the alien Aisha asked.

Jane and I looked down the stairwell. We were unsure if we should go down there. It seemed pretty dark.

Week - 668

Trouble in Paradise: Giveaway
by chasing_stars44
Description: Aren't Meepits...

Week - 669

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part One
by chasing_stars44
Description: "Do you understand him?" I asked Jane. 

"Not one word," she replied.

Week - 670

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Two
by chasing_stars44
Description: "What do you think we should do? We let the only leads to cracking this thing wide open literally walk away!"

Week - 671

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Three
by chasing_stars44
Description: "It would explain all the damage, why everyone who witnessed the crimes were so shaken up, and why there was no clues pointing to a Neopet."

Week - 672

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Four
by chasing_stars44
Description: "Try not to destroy each other," Jane agreed. "At least wait until after we get out of here."

"And what if we don't get out of here?" I asked.

Week - 673

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Five
by chasing_stars44
Description: "What if we get caught?" Jane asked me. "We don't have an invitation. Oh, and what if Malkus finds us? Then we'd be in even more trouble, if such a thing existed."

Week - 674

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rattled Witnesses - Part Six
by chasing_stars44
Description: "Yeah, great idea blowing the whistle," Kell said sarcastically.

Week - 675

Trouble in Paradise: Neovia
by chasing_stars44
Description: Tura: 1 Kawaii: 0

Week - 676

What Would Happen If
by chasing_stars44
Description: Neopia has had a very colorful history.

Week - 677

What Avatars Should You Collect?
by chasing_stars44
Description: Many have a preference of what they like to collect. So what avatars should you be going after?

Week - 678

Trouble in Paradise: Flying
by chasing_stars44
Description: To think, a Zafara with wings would have a little practice.

Week - 679

Trouble in Paradise: Petpets
by chasing_stars44
Description: Petpets aren't the best conversationalists...

Week - 680

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Museum at Midnight - Part One
by chasing_stars44
Description: As the two of us made our way to the Historic Weapons part of the Neopian Museum to meet Jane, we looked around the exhibits. I had to admit, this place was impressive.

Week - 681

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Museum at Midnight - Part Two
by chasing_stars44
Description: "I'm the ghost of the museum and I've been noticing things moving around and disappearing without me doing anything..."

Week - 682

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Museum at Midnight - Part Three
by chasing_stars44
Description: Jane, Natia, and I "accidentally" got locked in the museum again.

Week - 683

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Museum at Midnight - Part Four
by chasing_stars44
Description: "Well." I was reluctant to share this, but this needed to be shared. "Yesterday, when I talked to the secretary..."

Week - 684

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Museum at Midnight - Part Five
by chasing_stars44
Description: Jane and I began to walk around the barren museum in an attempt to find Barry. What was he planning for us?

Week - 685

Trouble in Paradise: Colors
by chasing_stars44
Description: Neopia is turning grey.

Week - 686

Janet and Jane: In Cartoon Form!
by chasing_stars44
Description: To be fair, Janet does it all the time.

Week - 687

Trouble in Paradise: Toys
by chasing_stars44
Description: TNT tested. User approved.

Week - 688

Trouble in Paradise: Clothing
by chasing_stars44
Description: Hissis aren't exactly made for customization.

Week - 689

Trouble in Paradise: Heat
by chasing_stars44
Description: Afterwards, I gave Kawalaii and Avalanches a stern talking to because laughing at Beeki was wrong.

Week - 691

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part One
by chasing_stars44
Description: How long could it possibly take for Natia to finish a game of Dice-a-Roo? She must have really liked that game to play it for thirty minutes straight. I could barely play it for thirty seconds. Just rolling dice was too simple for me. It requires no skill at all. I rather preferred puzzles. Which was precisely why Jane, Natia, and I were here.

Week - 692

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Two
by chasing_stars44
Description: I took the paper and read it. "Join the Sway or face the consequences," the note said.

Week - 693

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Three
by chasing_stars44
Description: What on Neopia should we do? We couldn't just leave him here! He could be the one targeting Mae for all we knew! If he was the Neopet who we were after, we could be in major danger when he woke up. If not, we really needed to ask some questions.

Week - 694

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Four
by chasing_stars44
Description: I tossed and turned in the covers of the bed I was in. Thoughts were bouncing around my mind like a bouncy ball. For all I knew, the one who targeted Mae could still be in the Neohome. No matter how hard I tried to get that terrible thought out of my head, it stayed.

Week - 695

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Five
by chasing_stars44
Description: The first thing that I needed to do was get away from these two and find someone that wasn't under Shadow's control. It was likely that Xavier was hypnotized as well (that was if what Mae told me earlier was true). I really hoped that Mae or Jane were still okay -- I literally had no one else to turn to.

Week - 696

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Six
by chasing_stars44
Description: Alright, Janet. You shouldn't freak out. What was the worse that could happen to her? She was pretty strong from what I saw. There wasn't any worry. I could just find her and tell her what was up.

Week - 698

Trouble in Paradise: Random Events
by chasing_stars44
Description: This is why you only get to press it once a day.

Week - 699

Trouble in Paradise: The Fourth Wall
by chasing_stars44
Description: They're becoming aware.

Week - 700

Trouble in Paradise: Celebrations
by chasing_stars44
Description: This is what happens when you are born near a celebrated day.

Week - 701

Trouble in Paradise: Poles
by chasing_stars44
Description: To be fair, it is a poor design choice for Terror Mountain.

Week - 702

Janet and Jane: Mustaches
by chasing_stars44
Description: I also heard that he has an accent. And you are sure he didn't steal the jewels?

Week - 703

Trouble in Paradise: Introductions
by chasing_stars44
Description: We're actually still locked in that closet. Could you please let us out?

Week - 704

Trouble in Paradise: Comic
by chasing_stars44
Description: Who doesn't love puns?

Week - 705

Janet and Jane: Halloween
by chasing_stars44
Description: You should see what she did the the Fresh Food shop!

Week - 706

Trouble in Paradise: Fan Mail
by chasing_stars44
Description: It's funny because it's true.

Week - 707

Trouble in Paradise: Candles
by chasing_stars44
Description: The candles are a lie! D:

Week - 708

Trouble in Paradise: Family
by chasing_stars44
Description: What family isn't a bit weird? (Dangerous, though...)

Week - 709

Trouble in Paradise: Chocolate Woes
by chasing_stars44
Description: It's happened seven times already.

Week - 710

Janet and Jane: Questions
by chasing_stars44
Description: Asking all the right questions to all the wrong Neopets. :D

Week - 711

JCW: The Beginning
by chasing_stars44
Description: Yep. Just a normal day for the JCW.

Week - 712

Janet and Jane: Christmas
by chasing_stars44
Description: So what's in the box?

Week - 713

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part One
by chasing_stars44
Description: This one was serious and was going to be the hardest one that the company had received in a while. The worst part was that I had to do it all without my best friend. In fact, the entire case revolved around her. It wasn't even a real case - it was just me trying to find her. Jane went missing about four days ago.

Week - 714

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Two
by chasing_stars44
Description: "This can't be..." I said at last. "No, it can't be..." "I'm sorry," Nathan consoled. "I tried getting the story out of the paper, but I found out about it just as they were printing it."

Week - 715

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Three
by chasing_stars44
Description: "So where are we going?" Corbin asked me.

"To Sunset Isle Mental Health Institution," I answered.

"But that's an insane asylum. Why on Neopia are we going there?"

"I have to interview someone there."

Week - 716

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives
by chasing_stars44
Description: "How could someone possibly look so much like you?" Natia asked with no regard for volume.

"I have no idea," I replied. "But whoever did it did a good job."

Week - 717

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Five
by chasing_stars44
Description: "Janet," the note began. "I know you know about what's been happening. I've been framed for something I did not do. I know you, and your first instict would be to check it out. Don't.

Week - 718

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Six
by chasing_stars44
Description: Either he was very clueless or he was buying some time for something. No matter what, my mind wouldn't change. He was caught.

Week - 720

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Seven
by chasing_stars44
Description: Alright, so going where all of this began in the middle of the night with practically my least favorite Neopet while I was still framed for something I didn't do wasn't the best idea. We didn't even tell the others that we were going out. We maybe should have done that.

Week - 721

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part Eight
by chasing_stars44
Description: I groaned. "Everyone still thinks that Jane, Natia, and I are thieves," I answered. "I'm going to talk to Queen Fyora to clear our names. I'm a little surprised she didn't do anything already."

Week - 719

Happy UN-Valentine's Day
by chasing_stars44
Description: For all you grumps out there! You know who you are!

Also by parody_ham

Week - 721

Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part One
by chasing_stars44
Description: Why on Neopia would Jane think it would be a good idea to get an apprentice? She knew that our cases could be ruined by inexperience (something I knew the apprentice had). J2 was a serious detective business - not a university where you could pick up a trade. I only tolerate one Neopet that wasn't a part of the business but still helps out, and Natia wasn't going to go anywhere.

Week - 722

Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Two
by chasing_stars44
Description: "What?" James asked. His eyes grew to the size of saucers. "Already? I literally just got here!"

"Don't worry, James. You'll do fine," Jane comforted. "Vandalism cases are usually pretty easy to solve, so it's the perfect case to start you off with."

Week - 723

Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Three
by chasing_stars44
Description: I couldn't sleep that night. My thoughts were just out of control. Why would Jane get an apprentice? Why did James have to be our apprentice. How would the detective business be affected with him with us for a while? Ugh, never before did I want a period of time to move faster than I did now.

Week - 724

Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Four
by chasing_stars44
Description: For a minute, it was as if time froze. I didn't mean for that to slip out. One, this was not a good time. Someone could come up to us in a second and wonder what we were doing. Two, I was not prepared. Not being prepared was something that got me in a whole bunch of problems.

Week - 725

Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Five
by chasing_stars44
Description: I approached a store that was in the Marketplace. I went inside the store while James waited outside. The store was stocked with things, but had nobody in there. Not even the shopkeeper was in here. There was a cup that was on the counter and a sign that said, "Leave Neopoints in the cup" in big, black letters. That practically spelled out, "rob me".

Week - 726

Trouble in Paradise: Cinnamon Roll
by chasing_stars44
Description: It took her a total of five minutes to realize that...

Week - 728

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rough Waters: Part One
by chasing_stars44
Description: “What's the big deal, Janet?” James asked. He walked down the gangplank, taking our bags with him. “Why don't you like this place?”

I crossed my arms. “Let's just say that the last time we were on Krawk Island, it didn't end well.”

Week - 729

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rough Waters: Part Two
by chasing_stars44
Description: “Alright, so why on Neopia are we here? What are we supposed to figure out?” I said in a yawn. I didn't get much sleep last night. After that little incident, you couldn't blame me. That and we had to sleep on rocks.

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Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rough Waters: Part Two
“Alright, so why on Neopia are we here? What are we supposed to figure out?” I said in a yawn. I didn't get much sleep last night. After that little incident, you couldn't blame me. That and we had to sleep on rocks.

by chasing_stars44


A Day at the Usul Appreciation Club
TERROR MOUNTAIN, LIVE - Kuszemi: Greetings, fair stranger from yon! Welcome to the weekly Usul Appreciation Club, which is convened every Thursday. We don’t usually have guests here, but we are actively seeking sponsors for the Yoo-Sul Championship which we are hoping to attend this year, so here you are.

by an9375


Cybunnies From A to Z
In this article I`ll be going through the alphabet and listing anything related to Cybunnies from A to Z! I look at everything from avatars to Cybunny characters, books and wearables.

by aleu1986


I'll Throw a Party If This Works

Also by balynx

by bittersweet52


Eye of the Crokabek: Part Four
“So... what's happened to Cog?” he asked.

Stella gave him a weary look. “It's a long story,” she told him, “and... I haven't been sleeping well lately. Mind if I make a cup of Borovan first?”

by reiqua

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