A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,077,254 Issue: 737 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y18
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword m0nster_rancher

Week - 706

Goparokko Game Guide
by m0nster_rancher
Description: Hello everyone and welcome to my guide on how to play Goparokko! In a recent survey I conducted on the Avatar Neoboards, I found that a lot of people are struggling to get the Goparokko avatar. I believe by following the many tips and pointers in this in-depth guide, you'll be showing off your avatar or trophy to your friends and of course, the Tiki Man in no time!

Week - 737

Tasting Kauvara's Potions
by m0nster_rancher
Description: What a better way to celebrate Kau day than to sample some of Kauvara's finest morphing potions? Cow, the Yellow Kau and also our exclusive Neopian Times Reporter went into Mrs Kauvara's workshop today both to sample her morphing potions and to give her a quick interview to help her break away from her busy schedule and enjoy a restful Kau Day.

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Shootout Showdown
If I could just get that Chia to quit laughing at me...

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Trouble in Paradise: Ideas
Yeah, I think we've all been here...

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A Pair of Punished Pranksters
The moon was full, and the sky was plagued by ominous shadows. Two Darigan Neopets, a Scorchio and an Aisha, snuck onto the property, spray paint in hand. "I can't believe that Ella beat us in the Beauty Contest," grumbled the Scorchio. "We'll show her!"

by _brainchild_


Are You an Altador Cup Fanatic?
To make matters worse, many fans are in complete denial about being obsessed with the Cup--you could be addicted and not even know it. So how can you tell if you are one of these crazed fans? Well, in honor of the 11th annual Altador Cup, we’re here to help you recognize if you are truly an Altador Cup fanatic.

Also by drobit

by bha288


Protect Your Peas, Please!
But your cape today, available at the Hidden Tower!

by littledude61394

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