Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,100,740 Issue: 739 | 1st day of Swimming, Y18
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword she_chose_love

Week - 716

The Perk Of Being A Plushie
by she_chose_love
Description: They even shared the same goal: to be able to buy a paint brush and get painted. The girls did not know what kind of paint brush they wanted, they just knew that nothing would make them happier than to be painted.

Week - 717

Around and Around They Go...
by sophieauditore
Description: The Ixi got quite a shock.

Also by she_chose_love

Week - 731

Dixie's Wings
by she_chose_love
Description: Did you know that faeries are not born with their wings? They have to work hard to earn them. Let me tell you the story of how Dixie earned her wings.

Week - 732

Off To The Races
by she_chose_love
Description: All neopets are taught to never give up, no matter how impossible something may seem. This is the story of Tessa, the Uni who wouldn’t let anything get in the way of her dreams.

Week - 733

by she_chose_love
Description: Lily was a ten year old Ixi who dreamed of becoming a Lost Desert explorer one day. She loved being in nature and exploring new places. Anytime Lily was outside, she was always pretending to be an explorer on some crazy adventure.

Week - 734

The Curse Of The Rainbow Fountain
by she_chose_love
Description: Everyone knows about the curse of The Rainbow Fountain, it is an old wise tale that has been around for years and years. The tale of the curse of The Rainbow Fountain is told to every Neopet in Neoschool every year in October. Elders tell the tale again and again to warn young Neopets of what could happen.

Week - 737

Jhudora's Curse
by she_chose_love
Description: As magical as Healing Springs is, there was one time the magic of it went terribly wrong. It all started when the water faerie who runs the Healing Springs was sick and had her friend Lily fill in for her for the day while she rested and focused on getting better...

Week - 739

Fyora's Day Off
by she_chose_love
Description: All of the faeries in Faerieland look forward to many different events. Things like Fyora Day, Jhudora Day, Illusen Day, and The Faerie Festival are popular days that faeries spend all year looking forward to. However, there is a lesser known day that faeries also spend each year looking forward to, Fyora’s annual day off.

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Create Your Own Adventure
I always suspected that my Grundo had a sadistic streak. Years of serving as a commander in Dr. Sloth’s galactic marine corps will probably do that to you. But my hunch was confirmed the day Dark_breed_Hyren brought home an Adventure Generator.

by cosmicfire918


Who Is This Topsi, and What Ever Happened To Zaira?
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Acaras A to Z
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by aleu1986


What are the Odds: Natural Flight
Sometimes change takes a while to get used to.

by malochroma


Holiday Proposals That Celebrate Our Food Pets!
I've often wished for holidays that would celebrate our food pets! Over the years, I've made a list of fun holiday proposals that would pay tribute to our edible pets, and would make us smile. Chocolate Day already exists. What about the other food colors?

by indulgences

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