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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword jessica_sweetie8

Week - 678

Daily Problems
by johannabelle2009
Description: Petpets don't have the best attention span.

Also by jessica_sweetie8

Week - 744

Overfeeding is Fun!
by jessica_sweetie8
Description: When I first started feeding kadoaties, also known as “kads”, I had no idea what an overfeeder was. I foolishly thought everyone stopped feeding kads once they finally got the avatar. Why would you want to feed beyond seventy-five?

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The Brightvale Market
A spoiled Royal Ixi finds more than she bargained for at the Brightvale Market.

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The Secret of the Faerie Quests
A collectable card. A toy ball. A stick of red lipstick.

These are all items that the questing faeries may ask for to complete their spells, but how on earth can these things be of any use?

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All The Backgrounds We're Looking Forward To!
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