Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,173,266 Issue: 744 | 12th day of Hiding, Y18
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New Series

Undead Rising: Part One

It wasn’t long before Bernard came across a rather interesting gravestone that stood out among the rest of them...

by yoshisislandbandit
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The Secret of the Faerie Quests

A collectable card. A toy ball. A stick of red lipstick. These are all items that the questing faeries may ask for to complete their spells, but how on earth can these things be of any use? What can Edna possibly add to her potion by throwing in a small plastic car to melt and warp in the boiling liquid? And why on earth does the fire faerie need quite so many torn gym socks?

Other Stories


There’s More Than One Way to be a Princess
The king and queen were attending to business in the high tower, the princes were playing chess in the garden or taking music lessons, the princesses were grooming their long silky manes or reading quietly in the castle’s library. All the princesses but one, that was.

by embethrose


The Quest for Piratehood
Lantsov absolutely adored living in a Neohome in Krawk Island. As a pirate Blumaroo, he felt at home among the scourges and scallywags that prowled the beaches and alleys of his neighborhood. And, of course, he participated in all of the mandatory pirate activities that the island had to offer. But there was one huge problem. Lantsov wasn’t actually a pirate.

by lunarchronicles


All The Backgrounds We're Looking Forward To!
Inspired by the thought of having new Backgrounds someday, I thought I'd write this article! It lists all of the Backgrounds I've been longing for since 2007, when customization became a reality. Maybe the TNT artists will read this article and agree to create some of these suggestions.

by indulgences


The Secret of the Faerie Quests
A collectable card. A toy ball. A stick of red lipstick.

These are all items that the questing faeries may ask for to complete their spells, but how on earth can these things be of any use?

by aethelar


A Life Full of Weewoos - Part 1
Waking up can be hard sometimes...

Art by joslucca3000

by sky_lady


Clouds Crash?
Walking through Neopia.. SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED!

Also by horse_lovee

by marcthegr8est1

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