White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,173,266 Issue: 744 | 12th day of Hiding, Y18
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Short Stories

The Desk Inspection

I'm not the only person Keriso, the zombie Draik, plays tricks on. She does it all the time to everybody. Friends at school, my dad, her mum, Duimu the grey Grarrl from up the street, strange neopets in cafes, even teachers. And even our new teacher Miss Gest which takes some nerve, I can tell you.

Also by ukases

by _starryeyedsurprise_

The Brightvale Market

A spoiled Royal Ixi finds more than she bargained for at the Brightvale Market.

by fleurdust
The Quest for Piratehood

Lantsov absolutely adored living in a Neohome in Krawk Island. As a pirate Blumaroo, he felt at home among the scourges and scallywags that prowled the beaches and alleys of his neighborhood. And, of course, he participated in all of the mandatory pirate activities that the island had to offer. But there was one huge problem. Lantsov wasn’t actually a pirate.

by lunarchronicles
There’s More Than One Way to be a Princess

The king and queen were attending to business in the high tower, the princes were playing chess in the garden or taking music lessons, the princesses were grooming their long silky manes or reading quietly in the castle’s library. All the princesses but one, that was.

by embethrose
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"The Quest for Piratehood" by lunarchronicles
Lantsov absolutely adored living in a Neohome in Krawk Island. As a pirate Blumaroo, he felt at home among the scourges and scallywags that prowled the beaches and alleys of his neighborhood. And, of course, he participated in all of the mandatory pirate activities that the island had to offer. Drinking Piratey Fruit Juice from glossy tankards in the Golden Dubloon, visiting the Forgotten Shore, and training with Cap’n Threelegs were just some of his favorite activities. But there was one huge problem. Lantsov wasn’t actually a pirate. He longed for the red-and-white striped shirt, the blue coloring, and the little polka dot bandana that would give him the pirate look he so craved. But most of his Neopoints got turned quickly into dubloons, and so he hadn’t saved up nearly enough for a paint brush to fulfill his dream. His sister, Plushue the plushie Blumaroo, came across him one day as he sat at the kitchen table, his snout buried morosely in his arms. She patted his ear with her squishy paw. “What’s wrong?” she asked kindly. “Everything,” Lantsov groaned, his voice muffled. “Why can’t I be a pirate, Plush?” Plushue picked a stray thread from the blue and yellow patch on her tail, and took a seat next to her brother. “Hmmm. Well, why don’t you save up enough Neopoints to buy yourself a paint brush?” she suggested. “I saw a pirate Blumaroo just now, out on the dock, waiting for a boat to Neopia Central. He looked pretty sharp.” “I can’t afford one,” Lantsov said grumpily. “I’ve been trying to play games to win Neopoints, but I’m no good at them.” He slumped down further in his chair. “I’m going to be yellow forever.”

Other Stories


Feeding Famished Florg Fanatically
Feepits! I feel funny fabricating fables featuring Florg, the famished fickle feaster. Frankly, Feeding Florg falls firmly as my favorite feel-good fun! Alas, I cannot keep this alliteration afloat, so onto the guide ye feeders seek!

by gloomyparadise


Overfeeding is Fun!
When I first started feeding kadoaties, also known as “kads”, I had no idea what an overfeeder was. I foolishly thought everyone stopped feeding kads once they finally got the avatar. Why would you want to feed beyond seventy-five?

by jessica_sweetie8


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Amnesiacs: Part Three
I told Jane about my dream as we were walking back to that building in the forest. I described it more vivid than I could describe what happened two hours ago. I didn't know why I remembered that dream, but I did know that it was more than a dream.

by chasing_stars44


Clouds Over Cogham: Part Twelve
He wars with the sorceress, clashing violets and blues. He wars with himself — with the faerie that’s claimed his mind. He wars with them all... and all three wars, he loses.

by theschizophrenicpunk


A Life Full of Weewoos - Part 1
Waking up can be hard sometimes...

Art by joslucca3000

by sky_lady


Such a Gourmet Club
Hunger: very bloated!

Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe

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