White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,173,266 Issue: 744 | 12th day of Hiding, Y18
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Continued Series

Clouds Over Cogham: Part Twelve

He wars with the sorceress, clashing violets and blues. He wars with himself — with the faerie that’s claimed his mind. He wars with them all... and all three wars, he loses.

by theschizophrenicpunk
Desert Requiem: Part Nine

Although Shiki had described Symerra as a city, in reality it was more of a ghost town. Many of the buildings were abandoned, and some lay in ruins. The population numbered in the mere hundreds. Shiki's grandmother, the mayoress of the city, explained that many Symerrans had perished in a plague three years prior, including her own son and daughter-in-law. But Symerra's decline began over two hundred years ago...

by kalnya
Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Six

Orlitz was relieved that the lutaris hadn’t spotted her when she hurriedly ushered her friends out of the lobby. She glanced behind her, worried that they would follow. Luckily, they didn’t, which gave Julian a chance to ask who those Lutaris were.

by josephinefarine
The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Two

Five days later, on a grey drizzly afternoon, Pharazon stepped off the gangplank of the sky-ship liner and into Brightvale’s bustling skyport. He pulled the hood of his travelling cloak closer around his face to protect himself from the chill air, watching his breath pool in front of his snout every time he exhaled.

by cosmicfire918
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Amnesiacs: Part Three

I told Jane about my dream as we were walking back to that building in the forest. I described it more vivid than I could describe what happened two hours ago. I didn't know why I remembered that dream, but I did know that it was more than a dream.

by chasing_stars44
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"The Desk Inspection" by _starryeyedsurprise_
I'm not the only person Keriso, the zombie Draik, plays tricks on. She does it all the time to everybody. Friends at school, my dad, her mum, Duimu the grey Grarrl from up the street, strange Neopets in cafes, even teachers. And even our new teacher Miss Gest which takes some nerve, I can tell you. Miss Gest is the games teacher, as well as our class teacher. She's a green grarrl with short black hair and solid legs like tree trunks. She wears great thick spectacles like the bottoms of jam jars and she has a bellowing voice that you can hear from the other end of the playing field. And you should just hear they way she yells at us. "You have two minutes to get changed, starting from.... NOW!" She shouts standing in the corridor between the boys' and girls' changing rooms. And woe betide anyone who isn't in their shorts, t-shirt and plimsolls by the time she blows that horrible shrieky whistle she wears on a blue ribbon around her neck. I was walking to school one Monday morning and I hadn't called for Keriso that day, partly because I was still sulking about her spoiling my mum's best sheets over the weekend with a hair-brained scheme, and partly because the postman had just given me a letter with a Kiko Lake postmark and I wanted to read it in peace. The letter was from my grandma, a plushie Kiko who I am very fond of. And I got a very nice surprise when I opened it because there was fifty Neopoints inside, as well as a belated birthday card with a picture of a plumpy on the front, who looked just like my petpet Cortana. I was smiling at the card when I heard Keriso's voice behind me. "Eastly," she called. "Wait for me."

Other Stories


The Quest for Piratehood
Lantsov absolutely adored living in a Neohome in Krawk Island. As a pirate Blumaroo, he felt at home among the scourges and scallywags that prowled the beaches and alleys of his neighborhood. And, of course, he participated in all of the mandatory pirate activities that the island had to offer. But there was one huge problem. Lantsov wasn’t actually a pirate.

by lunarchronicles


There’s More Than One Way to be a Princess
The king and queen were attending to business in the high tower, the princes were playing chess in the garden or taking music lessons, the princesses were grooming their long silky manes or reading quietly in the castle’s library. All the princesses but one, that was.

by embethrose


All The Backgrounds We're Looking Forward To!
Inspired by the thought of having new Backgrounds someday, I thought I'd write this article! It lists all of the Backgrounds I've been longing for since 2007, when customization became a reality. Maybe the TNT artists will read this article and agree to create some of these suggestions.

by indulgences


Dear Reader
I started writing for the Neopian Times two years ago. I had my eyes set on that beautiful NT Star avatar, and after my first two publications, I really felt on a roll. I kept on writing and submitting on a regular basis, always looking through the Neopian calendar to check for upcoming pet days and events that would inspire me to write an article or list of some kind.

by aleu1986


A Life Full of Weewoos - Part 1
Waking up can be hard sometimes...

Art by joslucca3000

by sky_lady


Ultimate Genius
How was that easy?!

by pinkcrown123

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