Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,305,201 Issue: 758 | 18th day of Storing, Y18
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword nikibogwater

Week - 651

Grave Danger
by nikibogwater
Description: It's dangerous to go alone! But nothing will stand in Shivers' way until he finds that delicious smell!

Week - 667

Halloween and How To Deal With It
by nikibogwater
Description: Ah, Halloween, that magical (and tasty) time of year when Spyders spin webs, the Brain Tree writes riddles, and Sophie is in a slightly less grumpy mood.

Week - 671

The Great Playpen Escape
by nikibogwater
Description: Martha will stand this cruelty no longer...

Week - 758

The Top Five Neopets for Beginners
by nikibogwater
Description: So after months of whining and begging and blackmailing etc, you’ve finally gotten your friend to take a look at Neopets for the very first time. Everything’s going pretty smoothly, filling out the paperwork and registering as a Neopian and such. But then the proud new citizen enters the Adoption Center, and is immediately bombarded by dozens of adorable faces, all beaming up at them with hopeful eyes and perked ears.

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Meal Pending
Alabaster watched the stone doorway intently from around the corner. He could smell the tasty aroma of the Breakfast Croissant wafting out of the shop. His stomach growled at the thought of a piece of Real Cheese Cheesecake. Alabaster licked his lips when he heard the sound of a can of fizzling Elderberry Achyfi being poured. This was practically a form of torture.

by meeshell362


The Top Five Neopets for Beginners
So after months of whining and begging and blackmailing etc, you’ve finally gotten your friend to take a look at Neopets for the very first time. Everything’s going pretty smoothly, filling out the paperwork and registering as a Neopian and such. But then the proud new citizen enters the Adoption Center, and is immediately bombarded by dozens of adorable faces, all beaming up at them with hopeful eyes and perked ears.

by nikibogwater


Memory Versus Location
Quite the pair...

Also by Patjade

by izzywizard


Altadorian Games - A Tribute
I love Altador. I think it's a great place filled with an interesting history, vibrant characters, a deep and engaging plot, and beautiful views. I admire the council of Altador, and respect the idea of highlighting extraordinary talent and promoting self-improvement. But Altador is also a place to have fun, and with its own set of games, there's plenty of fun to be had.

by sargelw


Article Spies - Fanciful Fauna
Two reporters are walking across a wooden bridges around Shenkuu, in order to find the Fanciful Fauna which is hidden behind bushes and waterfalls. Yes, you guessed correctly; it's indeed Christos and Birdy, our two trouble makers! Today, they decided to spy onto the beautiful Koi shopkeeper.Also by birdinggal

by water_park1993

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