teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,305,201 Issue: 758 | 18th day of Storing, Y18
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by mistyqee

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Article Spies - Fanciful Fauna
Two reporters are walking across a wooden bridges around Shenkuu, in order to find the Fanciful Fauna which is hidden behind bushes and waterfalls. Yes, you guessed correctly; it's indeed Christos and Birdy, our two trouble makers! Today, they decided to spy onto the beautiful Koi shopkeeper.Also by birdinggal

by water_park1993


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Faked Test Scores: Part Three
This isn't my test!” James exclaimed. He slammed the paper down on the table. “I remember exactly I wrote for my essay and this isn't it!” “But that's your handwriting,” I informed as I looked at the paper. It was James' handwriting. I could recognize it easily.

by chasing_stars44


Befriending Boochi: Part Two
For the past three days, Draikessa the Eventide Draik and her friend Kayennah the Pirate Krawk had spent the majority of their time seeking out the Baby Bruce known as Boochi. Draikessa was determined to discover if there was any truth behind the myth that Boochi randomly zapped Neopians in Baby neopets, and if so, why?

by tallydepp


The Neovian Misadventure of Will and Biggs: Part Six
The moon peeked out from the clouds and Biggs got to his feet after putting the remaining contents of Ms.Wisp’s satchel together. “Do you suppose she lives at the soup kitchen?” “Perhaps.” Will yawned as he got up off the forest floor. Together they struggled through the trees, back to the rough dirt road just outside of town. Will started to scrape his claws up against a tree, ”Does everywhere have to be so filthy?!”

by general_grievious__

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