Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,328,353 Issue: 759 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y18
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We found the following 16 result(s) for the keyword _starryeyedsurprise_

Week - 514

Lab Ray Mishaps
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: The Lab Ray is fired...

Idea by inoutje

Week - 654

Making Snow Angels
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: Whatcha doing?

Also by inoutje

Week - 658

Top 4 Ways to Change Your Pet's Expression
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: The top 4 methods for transforming your pet's expression, to help it to fit in with your customisation that much better.

Week - 728

There’s Nothing Quite Like A Good Book
by toffeedatepudding
Description: See for yourself!

Also by _starryeyedsurprise_

Week - 736

AC Woes
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: I did not think my position through...

Week - 739

What A Nice Gesture
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: Giving flowers is wrought with problems when you look like a joker

Also by Ukases

Week - 740

The Spelling Test
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: t was one of those hot, lazy, summer days when all you want to do is lie on your back among the buttercups and listen to the springabees buzzing by. Being stuck in a classroom felt like being in prison, and I couldn’t wait for the afternoon to end.

Week - 742

The Flyer
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: I always look forward to the times when my grandmother comes to stay. She's my dad's mother and she comes from a little fishing village on the outskirts of Kiko Lake, and she's small and round and cuddly, just like you'd expect from a plushie Kiko.

Also by ukases

Week - 744

The Desk Inspection
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: I'm not the only person Keriso, the zombie Draik, plays tricks on. She does it all the time to everybody. Friends at school, my dad, her mum, Duimu the grey Grarrl from up the street, strange neopets in cafes, even teachers. And even our new teacher Miss Gest which takes some nerve, I can tell you.

Also by ukases

Week - 746

Samrin the Joker
by sophieauditore
Description: Last but not least...

Also by _starryeyedsurprise_.

Week - 749

The Autumn Fayre: Part One
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: If there is one thing that Keriso cant stand, it's me being better than her at anything. And spoiling my lovely party dress was one of the nastiest things she ever did.

Also by ukases

Week - 750

The Autumn Fayre: Part Two
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: Saturday morning was chaotic with everybody dashing about all over the place. The kitchen was so full of sliced bread you could hardly move. Keriso and her mum came round to help bake the scones and faerie cakes and they brought with them another chocolate gateau like the one I'd cut a chunk out of.

Week - 750

S750 Kreludan Defender Robot's Secret Pastime
by pinksrainbow
Description: *Blush*

Also by Lyndsey4657 and _starryeyedsurprise_

Week - 752

Nonlinear Companions: Dusk
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: It wasn’t my idea of a fun night out, I'm not really entirely sure how he'd convinced me to do it. Maybe it was my urge to prove him wrong, or perhaps it was to prove myself as a sensible, level-headed young grey draik. Either way, I was here.

Week - 758

Nonlinear Companions: Dawn: Part One
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: I wasn’t prepared for the exam, neither was I prepared for Westron to come bumbling into my life. I was lazing on a grassy bank, notes spread about me, debating internally on where I should begin, when I heard a strange sound behind me, I turned to see what had caused it. There was a tree nearby and from the base of it I could see a sneakered foot poking out from behind. I knew at that point someone was spying on me.

Also by ukases

Week - 759

Nonlinear Companions: Dawn: Part Two
by _starryeyedsurprise_
Description: Sat at the table my roommate Priyia, an alien aisha, was pouring freshly brewed coffee into two mugs and chatting jovially to someone, from my vantage point I couldn’t see who she was talking to, so I cleared my throat and stepped from the hall into the kitchen. Sat opposite her was Westron, the pirate krawk I had met the day before. They both looked up as I entered.

Also by ukases

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Nonlinear Companions: Dawn: Part Two
Sat at the table my roommate Priyia, an alien aisha, was pouring freshly brewed coffee into two mugs and chatting jovially to someone, from my vantage point I couldn’t see who she was talking to, so I cleared my throat and stepped from the hall into the kitchen. Sat opposite her was Westron, the pirate krawk I had met the day before. They both looked up as I entered.

Also by ukases

by _starryeyedsurprise_


Neggsweeper: A Pro's Guide
By the end of this guide, you should not only be able to understand the basics of Neggsweeper, but be on your way to being a Neggsweeper master!

by butterflybandage


Chasing Treasure: Part Ten
Sam's relief at Rochefort's plans being halted was quickly replaced with dread. It only got worse when Niettah continued speaking.

by aethelar


Random Event Revenge
After compiling a list of some of the worst random events on the site, I have come up with a way to get back at each random event personally, without any risk to you our your precious computer. It’s quite satisfying knowing that you can get some personal revenge on whoever has dared to target you through one of their random events.

Also by friskyxxx

by dragondancer007


Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Hijinks part 9
No petpets were harmed in the making of this comic.

by blackaavar

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