Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,635,439 Issue: 869 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y21
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword __adelaide__

Week - 865

Infinite Lupe
by __adelaide__
Description: watch out for those time lupes in neopia!

Week - 868

by __adelaide__
Description: Altador Cup team captains be like...

Week - 869

Babaa's Nightmare
by __adelaide__
Description: wait wut?

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Varanna Finds an Owner (Part One)

by karlynne1964


Keep Calm and Kyrii on: Paint and Suffering
Well, that explains "starving artists".

by ahnyo


Painted Friend
Let's go swimming next time!

by supertualet


are ya sure you wanna do that?

by aweber


Getting Your Poem Published
The Poetry Contest is a frequent competition on Neopets where you can submit your best poem and see if it gets published! Those who are published have the fame and recognition of their poem being published, but they also obtain a really cool trophy, 1,000 neopoints, and a rare item!

by parshew

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