White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 196,379,842 Issue: 904 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y22
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword sessduh

Week - 873

Form Your Beauty Routine
by sessduh
Description: I constantly tell my pets, “Don’t forget to follow the beauty routine I wrote down!” You see, I didn’t spend thousands of neopoints on morphing potions and paint brushes for my pets to neglect their beauty regimen! Facial care is very important and should be promoted to our pets daily.

Week - 874

Top Neopian Magazines
by sessduh
Description: Neopia’s Top Magazines

This Neopian loves to gift magazine subscriptions to my Neopets. It is the perfect gift because it keeps on giving. I’ve rounded up a list of some of my personal favorite reading splurges AND the most popular magazines in all of Neopia.

Week - 876

A Back to School Supplies List
by sessduh
Description: Ahh, the month of Gathering. Summer is winding down and you know what that means… neoschool is back in session! With the first day of school looming in the weeks ahead, it’s best we get a move on and start preparing.

Week - 877

A Neopian Story
by sessduh
Description: Biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries… they all provide the most valuable lessons in life. Neopians who publish their stories usually have an interesting story to tell about their ordeals and what they’ve learned from all of it.

Week - 877

Summer fun with snow petpets
by cyberpuppy33
Description: hey lil buddy

Collaberation with sessduh

Week - 878

Happy birthday to me?
by devotedly

Idea by sessduh

Week - 882

by devotedly
Description: it's so hot

idea by sessduh

Week - 880

Baby Professional
by sessduh
Description: I want my mommy

In collaboration with 2junebugs

Week - 881

Baker's Touch
by lastnightgus
Description: What's wrong?

Collaboration with sessduh :)

Week - 892

The Pant Devil Attacks
by kieselcamper
Description: Crime doesn't pay

collab with sessduh

Week - 899

A List of Gloomy Items
by sessduh
Description: The Greyest month of the year is once again upon us. Are you ready to be miserable and share your feelings of depression with one another? Article also written by: cawayee and siellan

Week - 899

Fun Party Snacks
by siellan
Description: Free food is always worth it...right?Concept by: sessduh

Week - 902

Against All Odds
by cherokee165
Description: Turdle Betting 101! Also by sessduh

Week - 904

The Shake Down
by sessduh
Description: Easy target... Collab with zouzillmaya

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