Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,075,226 Issue: 961 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y24
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Don't mess with Tyrannian Ixis!!!

by blueskies020

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Great stories!


Brothers in Stars: Homecoming
"Rain poured from the bleak grey clouds up above, a steady torrent that soaked everything in its path – a large tree, a worn-out picket fence, and even a stone statue of a beautiful Blumaroo with curly hair and a cheery smile that seemed to welcome the rain"

by precious_katuch14


The Return of Destiny
"The Enchanted Forest looked dull and sad, even more than usual. The eerie feeling of insecurity that made you move through the trees was gone. All was quiet, as if the allure of the ghosts had disappeared." collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

by venused


Fill Those Pet Slots: Underappreciated Additions
"In Issue 955 of the Neopian Times, I wrote about filling pet slots on a budget. However, I’m sure that there are many more pet slots to be filled across Neopia, so now I’m back to talk about filling pet slots with underappreciated additions."

by _brainchild_


Buzzerfeed: 8 Tips on Working from Home with Petpets
Brought to you by Petpet Supplies™️: Please Buy From Them. collab with scrmnow and phlyarologist

by wizzy13_7

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