A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 197,125,118 Issue: 964 | 15th day of Swimming, Y24
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword ssj3gotenks18

Week - 465

Change - Best Served With Item Drops
by ssj3gotenks18
Description: An old time Battledomer, I have recently returned to Neopets and am pleasantly surprised with the new plot.

Week - 471

A Very Emo Battle
by ssj3gotenks18
Description: Are the Shadow Wraiths making your pet sad? Not mine...

Week - 567

Immeasurable Enthusiasm
by ssj3gotenks18
Description: My pet is rather excited for the Battledome update... I think. He's hard to read sometimes.

Week - 937

Choosing Sides
by ssj3gotenks18
Description: There's only one way to decide which Altador Cup team to support.

Week - 941

The Downside to Being Painted Zombie
by ssj3gotenks18
Description: When you're painted Zombie you have to keep an extra eye on your PetPet, as well as your bones.

Week - 947

An Alien World
by ssj3gotenks18
Description: Krasavka crash lands on an Alien world... what will happen next?

Week - 955

An Alien World Part 2
by ssj3gotenks18
Description: Krasavka meets a friend (or foe?) on this strange new planet.

Week - 958

An Exclusive Interview with a Grey Kacheek
by ssj3gotenks18
Description: "Garth continued to look at her with his light blue eyes. 'I couldn’t have picked a gloomier day to interview this pet,' she thought, but considering his disposition it seemed quite fitting."

Week - 964

An Alien World Part 3
by ssj3gotenks18
Description: Krasavka is no pushover...

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