Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,205,082 Issue: 972 | 4th day of Storing, Y24
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword marshclan13_

Week - 957

NC News: Neopians Prepare for an Unprecedented Sale
by swordlilly
Description: "Crowds are gathered outside the NC Mall in preparation for an unprecedented 24-hour sale where every holiday-themed re-release capsule will be made available at once. "collab with marcthegr8est1 and marshclan13_

Week - 965

Darigan vs Meridell - A Colouring Page
by marshclan13_
Description: Colour your way to victory! collab with suzerz

Week - 972

5 Nights at Fyora's
by marshclan13_
Description: "I walked up the cobblestone path, through the gates, and approached the sparkling castle. The towers soared into the clouds, the evening light glinting off the windows. A passed a few stragglers leaving the castle as I approached..."

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Opera Singing Prodigy
"There's nothing wrong with being different. There's also nothing wrong with opera singing."

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A New Normal for Halloween
"I hadn't planned to be walking here, of all places, at night..."

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Fun Size Terrors
Oooh, so scary!!

by queen_potema


The True Halloween Horror
The most shocking trade to make!

by umbrex


The Very VERY Stale Bread: The Virtupets Saga
A collection of parody articles written during the latter half of Y23.

by no1_tails_fan

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