Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,281,224 Issue: 976 | 10th day of Awakening, Y25
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We found the following 23 result(s) for the keyword dark_elfa

Week - 175

Pretty Flowers!
by dark_elfa
Description: AchoOOo!

Week - 212

Darkest Place
by dark_elfa
Description: Little help?

Week - 214

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: Halloween is here!

Week - 215

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: Tough decision.

Week - 220

Darkest Corner : Tainted?
by dark_elfa
Description: Blame the Darkest Faerie!

Week - 221

Darkest Corner : Merry Christmas!
by dark_elfa
Description: o_O

Week - 265

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: PPL : No yooyus were harmed during the Altador Cup...

Week - 263

Darkest Corner: Independence
by dark_elfa
Description: First no food at all... and now this gross stuff?

Week - 266

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: How come we didn't get to keep useless piles of dirt?

Week - 268

Darkest Corner: Dig-dig-digging!
by dark_elfa
Description: Depressed pets in slow motion at work...

Idea by mzkimmi

Week - 269

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: This is what happens when your owner is a weird-stuff collector.

Idea by mzkimmi

Week - 270

The Great Discovery
by patjade
Description: Eureka!

Art by dark_elfa

Week - 315

Darkest Corner : Have a Spooky Halloween!!!!
by dark_elfa
Description: rawr.

Week - 350

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: Yum!

Idea by jennuine_1

Week - 396

Wishy Washy
by dark_elfa
Description: I wish...

Idea by patjade

Week - 395

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: I wish I could find a Super Attack Pea lender...

Week - 455

Greetings and Irritations
by dark_elfa
Description: *bump!*

Also by patjade

Week - 672

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: All about robotic malfunctions...

Week - 757

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: LUNA!

Week - 806

Darkest Corner
by dark_elfa
Description: Furry Troubles

Week - 837

Darkest Corner: Levitate!~
by dark_elfa
Description: ............l

Week - 965

Darkest Corner: Our King!~
by dark_elfa
Description: Tell me a JOKE! collab with rowdy420

Week - 976

Darkest Corner: You, tiny thing, you~
by dark_elfa
Description: "Somewhere in Maraqua..."

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Fishing for Answers: Theories for Bedtime Pondering
"Have you ever had trouble falling asleep? Does your brain decide to obsess over something minor for hours, leaving you scratching your head for more answers after all that thinking?" Collab with junie_wei

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My Unexpected Visit to the Maraquan Ruins
"I have lived in Maraqua all my life. As a Maraquan Shoyru, it was the perfect home for me..."

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Voyage Into the Maraquan Circle
"The world of Neopia is a planet with two frozen poles (the north pole being where Terror Mountain is; the south pole mostly untouched by Neopian society), a giant continent with various climates (where most of the Neopian lands are), and one vast ocean covering the rest of the surface with water and scattered islands."

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