Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,281,224 Issue: 976 | 10th day of Awakening, Y25
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword kougra_luver246

Week - 976

Love of the Sea
by kougra_luver246
Description: "Kaluhe loved the sea. Ever since she was a tiny Gelert pup and was introduced to the ocean one summer day..."

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Beyond the Blue
"The sea lay on the other side of Jini’s fence, the scent of salt washing over her with each breeze as she..." Thumbnail by nut862

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Delicacies from Kelp for the Frugal Neopian
"For the frugally-minded Neopian, a taste of Kelp is simply not in the budget. Until now."

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See the Seas of Neopia: Understand Neopia's Oceans
They're not just a mode of travel. Neopians, it's time to really look at the ocean, and see what you're missing.

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Xacy Wacky - Underwater Research
You should hear his rant about sand...

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Wandering Stars
Qlydae Wegg's boyhood home had everything an Orange Grundo could want - including an extensive Armoury.

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