The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,281,224 Issue: 976 | 10th day of Awakening, Y25
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword sophitell101

Week - 950

Tallest in Neopia
by sophitell101
Description: A tearable idea Collab with starscreamer54

Week - 952

Are We Really That Different
by sophitell101
Description: Why can't we be friends?

Week - 958

Yooyuball Tips
by sophitell101
Description: You must be at least this close to make the goal collab with starscreamer54

Week - 965

Meridell Takes the Cup
by sophitell101
Description: In a better world...

Week - 976

Equal Opportunaseas: The Kelposter
by sophitell101
Description: Make sure to have a reservation...

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Love And Times At Sea
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My Unexpected Visit to the Maraquan Ruins
"I have lived in Maraqua all my life. As a Maraquan Shoyru, it was the perfect home for me..."

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Dinner with the Scarlets: Salt Water
And don’t cry salty tears from losing books.

by june_scarlet


Delicacies from Kelp for the Frugal Neopian
"For the frugally-minded Neopian, a taste of Kelp is simply not in the budget. Until now."

by yuumeria

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