Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,477,540 Issue: 984 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y25
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword _snails_pace_

Week - 928

Ready to Fight
by _snails_pace_
Description: Sometimes, you gotta act tough.

Week - 984

Celestial Harmony: The Tale of Stars and Neggs
by _snails_pace_
Description: "n the enchanting realm of Neopia, where mystical creatures roamed and the very air crackled with enchantment, the Negg Faerie named Kari observed a disturbing anomaly in the night sky..." Collab with ryan100495

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N1GHTM4R3: Strength of a Guardian p1
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Insider Scoop: Queen Fyora's Daily Morning Routine
"Howdy, my name is Chaeldar and I run the Neopian Times Tabloids around here. I know what you're thinking, tabloids are always honest and entertaining! And that's all very true. Everything we put in our tabloids is only the truth."

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"Are you Team Fyora or Team Jhudora? For the sake of this issue (sorry, Jhudora, maybe next time!), let us just say Team Fyora. She is grace, she is beauty, she is royalty."

by sleepiestkitty

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