teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,477,540 Issue: 984 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y25
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword lunafaeire

Week - 623

Time Tunnel: A Brief Overview
by lunafaeire
Description: Time Tunnel is a logic puzzle game which involves breaking a code to unlock a vault of neopoints. It is a fairly easy game to beat once you get the hang of it.

Week - 626

From Rags to Riches: Getting the Job Done
by lunafaeire
Description: Have you ever wanted to get employed at the Faerieland employment agency?

Week - 641

Top 10 Most Beautiful Neggs and Three More
by lunafaeire
Description: With so many beautiful neggs to choose from, how do you pick a favourite?

Week - 657

Summer Reading List: It's Not Too Late!
by lunafaeire
Description: All the books listed in today's article are both easy to read and rather enjoyable in this blazing heat.

Week - 667

Trick-or-Treat: An Acquired Taste
by lunafaeire
Description: It's Halloween! As Neopians scurry around Haunted Woods going door-to-door asking for treats, let us take a closer look at ten spooky foods that leave us wondering: "What is even in this!?"

Week - 671

Getting Published: A Guide to Writing for the Neopian Times
by lunafaeire
Description: If you have always wanted your work to be published in the Neopian Times but have yet to get the chance, this is the guide for you.

Week - 968

Chocolate-y Petpets That Are Too Cute to Eat!
by lunafaeire
Description: "The Annual Chocolate Ball is underway, so I thought it was a good time to take a look at all the Chocolate Petpets out there and list my personal top 10 favourites."

Week - 971

Judging a Book by its Cover
by lunafaeire
Description: "We're always told not to judge a book by its cover, but with so many beautiful book covers all across Neopia, how can we not?"

Week - 984

Dressing up like Faerie Royalty
by lunafaeire
Description: "Customising pets is one of the more popular activities you can do on the site, and is in fact, one of my favourite things to do. From Neopoint to Neocash, there is an endless list of wearables you can use to dress up your pets and make them uniquely yours."

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Fyora, Queen of… Rubbish?
"Meri Acres Farm is a quaint little farm on the outskirts of Meridell. Many travellers and natives frequent this spot in Neopia for its charming aspects."

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Celestial Harmony: The Tale of Stars and Neggs
"n the enchanting realm of Neopia, where mystical creatures roamed and the very air crackled with enchantment, the Negg Faerie named Kari observed a disturbing anomaly in the night sky..." Collab with ryan100495

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Mira's Good Mood
Time to get ready for the party! Collab with contrito

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Magical Hairspray!
"Sure, go ahead and spray some on."

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The Life of a Queen
"Fyora’s long purple hair swirled with grace as she spun around to try and take in the scene before her..."

by metakitsune

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