The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 197,695,101 Issue: 998 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y25
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A Gourmet's Guide to Borovan

by hutaride


“Aseillus here, your Junior-Gourmet-in-Training with another interview from one of Neopia’s top food connoisseurs! Borovan Day is upon us, and every year on the 20th day of the Month of Celebrating, all of Neopia takes the time to eat and drink this one-of-a-kind flavour.

     But did you know that some Borovan items are so rare that they’re categorized as Gourmet foods? For those unaware, the Gourmet Club lists rare and delicious foods as gourmet foods and those who familiarize themselves with these culinary delights can be part of the prestigious Gourmet Club!

     Today I’m here with the Grand Gourmet of all, the Maitre D Quiggle of the Gourmet Club! In the spirit of Borovan Day he’s here to provide his insights on the top Borovan Gourmet Foods!

     “Thank you for taking the time for this interview and coming here all the way from Neopia Monsieur Maitre D.! Can you please explain to us what borovan is and what types are listed as ‘gourmet’?

     “Oh yes, merci for the invitation, I would be delighted to explain ze complex flavors of borovan. Firstly borovan is a hot drink akin to hot chocolate with hints of asparagus. Why you can make ze drink at the Cooking Pot in Mystery Island using hot chocolate and asparagus, but many shops stock borovan if you’re not much of a cook! As for ze culinary connoisseurs, there are 10 borovan items that tickle ze taste buds!"

     1) Borovan Service: First we have ze Borovan Service, for those wanting a little more sophistication when they drink borovan or when you have company over. Simply brew enough borovan and use this asparagus-themed tea set to serve to your guests! Your guests will delight in ze rich asparagus flavors that also matches ze decor of the teacup they are using! This pairs well with other gourmet foods such as ze Chocolate Chip Eyrie Cookie or a Chocolate Chip Yurble Gnome Cookie, which do not overpower ze natural asparagus flavors!

     2) Holiday Borovan Service: During the Month of Celebrating, upgrade your regular borovan tea set to this holiday version! This borovan contains hints of cinnamon and peppermint for a perfect winter flavor. Serve this special borovan in this green and holly festive tea set, along with a Faellie Christmas cookie or even a Christmas pudding to compliment this unique blend of tasty flavors. You can find ze Borovan Service and ze Holiday Borovan Service in ze Coffee Shop at Roo Island or at ze Winter Starlight Celebration.

     3) Faerieland Borovan: This drink contains hints of floral flavors and is served in green teacup with faerie wings. A wonderful addition to any tea cup collector’s set, ze teacup actually flies in place, perfect for those that don’t like setting their cup down on the table. You can even eat Water Faerie Cupcakes with this Faerieland borovan! Ze Water Faerie Cupcakes have a light blueberry flavor, with tasty sugar icing in the shape of a water faerie’s tail. As it’s name suggests, Faerieland Borovan is a tasty treat for all of ze Faeries of Faerieland after a hard day’s work of helping their fellow Neopians.

     4) Kreludan Borovan is perfect for gourmets who want something like Faerie Borovan, but in a much stronger flavor. Kreludan borovan has a more dark and robust flavor, similar to coffee or black tea. And like ze Faerieland Borovan, this also comes in a floating teacup. Make sure you keep an eye on it so it doesn’t fly away! This floating drink is sometimes brewed by Grundos on Kreludor, where ze lack of gravity allows for easy drinking and also saves time in cleaning up spills! If you somehow spill your Kreludan Borovan, the gravity allows for easy cleanup, just scoop it back into your cup!

     5) Chilled Borovan with Frozen Asparagus: An odd drink that is popular in Terror Mountain, this is chilled borovan with floating frozen asparagus chunks. Simply chop up some asparagus and brew a cup of borovan and pop these in a snow bank until frozen. Easy to make in the snowy region of Happy Valley where ice and snow are abundant, this chilly drink has also made it’s way across Neopia and is very popular in Qasala and ze Lost Desert. In ze desert heat, this drink is a perfect way for Neopets to cool down and relax when the days are long and sandy.

     6) Borovan Hot Chocolate Bomb: Another delicious drink for the residents in Happy Valley, this hot chocolate bomb has chunks of asparagus already mixed inside. Just heat up a cup of milk or hot water and drop this into ze liquid. After a few minutes ze chocolate will dissolve, and you will have a warm and cozy drink ready for those cold winter nights during ze Month of Celebrating.

     7) Borovan Cupcake: Moving on from ze borovan drinks, we have ze borovan cupcake from the Neopian Bakery! A perfect desert to pair with any borovan drink, gourmet type or otherwise. This cupcake is made with borovan chocolate and borovan icing and topped off with asparagus bits. You can add more asparagus on ze cupcake for an even crunchier taste!

     8) Borovan in a Cone: This is a gourmet ice cream food from ze Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop. Created from borovan ice cream, served on top of a chocolate cone and topped with a single cherry. Add another cone as an extra treat or if you want to share with a friend. This is a common dessert found in Happy Valley with its cold climate, but is also seen popping up across Neopia and even as far as Moltara!

     9) Asparagus Borovan Lasagne: As you all know, lasagne is basically a pasta cake. You can substitute ze meat sauce in lasagne for a yummy borovan sauce with asparagus, with layers of cheese in-between and topped with even more cheese! This dish is great when you are craving some borovan, but don’t want to eat a dessert or a drink.

     10) Borovan Layered Cake: A delectable dessert created by only ze finest chefs in Neopia, this dessert is truly a king among cakes! With three layers of chocolate, nuts, and borovan icing, this is one dessert that has to be shared with others. A full range of flavor is evident in every slice, so it should only be saved for special occasions such as birthdays, celebrations, or when you become an honorary gourmet club member. If you are lucky, you can sometimes find this dish at Neopian Fresh Foods. But be warned, this dessert goes fast so you better be sure to to haggle quickly!

     “And there you have it! Thank you Maitre D for this list of the gourmet borovan foods to enjoy on this wonderful Borovan Day. My personal favorites is a cup of Borovan Hot Chocolate with a slice of the Borovan Layered Cake. A sweet treat that can be eaten on your own or with your borovan-loving friends. In the words of our esteemed Gourmet Quiggle - ‘What are you waiting for? Get chuffing!’”

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