Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,723,333 Issue: 999 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y26
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The Missing Wheel: A Mystery Whodunnit

by rachu816


My fellow Neopians, authorities have asked that this be published in the Neopian Times, insisting that crucial help is needed to swiftly retrieve a lost artefact. One of the beloved daily activities all Neopians enjoy, the Wheel of Excitement, has gone missing! We need to catch the culprit who has stolen this wheel as soon as possible, as many different pets are currently now queued to spin the Wheel of Excitement.

     The detective on site, Greg the Grey Poogle, has collected evidence as well as a list of all Neopians present during the time that the wheel was there until the time that the wheel went missing. Please read through the following notes and let us know if you can detect the culprit responsible.

     The Wheel of Excitement was reported missing at 6:09 am NST. The last to see it was a Light Faerie, who was helping Neopians spin the wheel at 6:06 am NST. She only had looked away for a moment to do her other task of ensuring good triumphs over evil, when she turned back to find that the wheel had disappeared.

     The last Neopian she had helped was Gerald, a Mutant Tuskaninny. The participants waiting in the queue to spin in order from first to last were Joyjoy the Red Kacheek, Hopefull the Blue Uni, our very own detective Greg the Grey Poogle, Drake the Darigan Hissi, Destiny the Faerie Shoyru, and LuckyCharmz the Rainbow Peophin.

     First interviewed was Joyjoy the Red Kacheek. When asked what she had seen while the Light Faerie was looking elsewhere to ensure good triumphs over evil, Joyjoy responded that she herself was also looking into the distance at the castle skyline of Faerie City. When asked if she had heard anything, she said she was too busy lost in her thoughts of which faerie books she wanted to purchase in the city later that day from the Faerieland Bookshop. Apparently, it is a great place to get some magical books.

     Hopefull the Blue Uni testified that she was impatiently tapping her front hooves while watching the Light Faerie have her back turned. She claims this particular faerie is too chatty and because of this Hopefull started coming earlier in the morning to spin the wheel, since in the afternoon the wait tended to be too long for her.

     We didn’t need to interview Greg since he was conducting the interviews, but he has notated that he was busy having his breakfast since it was so early in the morning. His breakfast was a Double Shot of Espresso taken to-go from the Coffee Cave on Roo Island. He insisted that a double shot was needed since he was up so early to do his dailies before checking into work. Apparently, Greg also did not sleep very well that last night.

     Drake the Darigan Hissi and Destiny the Faerie Shoyru have both insisted that they were in conversation with each other while waiting in line. Drake had their backs turned to the wheel and Destiny’s view of the wheel was obstructed by Drake. Greg asked what the two polar opposites could have been discussing. Apparently, Drake had started a conversation about how much they loved the shade of iridescent blue in Destiny’s wings. Destiny had thanked them, insisting she loved the green of Drake’s smile. The two were cheery while laughing with each other and made plans to hit up Happy Valley later that day to try their hands at scratch cards together. At least this new friendship is one good thing to happen during this extremely unfortunate time.

     Last in line was Luckycharmz the Rainbow Peophin. He did not have much to comment on, only saying that he was too far back and couldn’t see over the commotion of all the Neopets standing before him. He also said that he shortly got into line before the incident, around 6:08 am, and had previously been to the Healing Springs after getting thrown on his tailfin at the Battledome earlier that morning. Greg commented that Luckycharmz had a lot of energy so early in the day, and Greg doesn’t understand how that could be possible as Greg himself felt so exhausted.

     That was all of the Neopians present during the heist. Greg next took a look around to find any leftover evidence. Greg said he found a piece of translucent fur at the scene of the crime- could be yellow, white, or grey. It is hard for him to focus on the colour because Greg’s eyes are tired from weeping the night before.

     There was also a Discarded Heart Folder that was stepped on. Greg thinks this could have been a prize won from the wheel that someone didn’t end up wanting. As a reminder dear Neopians: we do not tolerate littering. Please donate all unwanted possessions in your inventory to the Money Tree, where another Neopian can receive them for free. Pay it forward, citizens!

     Lastly, there was a Grundo Engineer Wrench laying near where the Wheel of Excitement is usually present. We think this must be the tool that the no-good-doer used to steal the wheel with. After all, a Grundo Engineer Wrench is said to fix anything; but perhaps it can unfix anything, as well. We’ll have to look into that. Grundo species are pretty good with their hands and technology, so we imagine their wrenches could be capable of doing just about anything.

     Next to the wrench, on the ground, were a few drops of something dark. That is the only description we were given, so it could really be anything.

     Now Neopians, based on all of this information, can any of you properly solve this case? We don’t want to point paws at anyone and want to crack this case only by looking at the solid evidence. Queen Fyora, the Queen of all Faeries, would like this wheel back as soon as possible. As she is a gracious and good queen, unlike Jhudora who insists the culprit lose all of their hit points and come across a bad case of Neomonia, Queen Fyora declares that if the wheel is returned, no punishments will be given. We can only hope that the perpetrator will be as kind as Queen Fyora is and will install the wheel back to its rightful place. I would still like to do my spin after publishing this, too!

     Oh wait- what is this? Could it be? Our very own detective Greg is carrying the Wheel of Excitement over to its proper place. It’s back! He is now using the wrench to crank it into place. Go, Greg, go! He must have solved the case on his own. Good job, Greg! Let’s go over and hear what he has to say about the culprit.

     Oh, what’s that? Oh, goodness. Reader, did you solve this case, too? As it turns out, it was our own detective himself that had taken the Wheel of Excitement! He is saying that he couldn’t sleep at all that night because he feels his job has been too mundane recently. He claims he needed a little “excitement” in his life. I guess the strand of fur found was his very own and the mysterious liquid on the ground was only a few spilled drops of his double expresso. Oh Greg, well, you really did cause a commotion. Excitement, indeed. We hope you’re happier with yourself now. Case closed, everybody! Thank you for all of your help and please wait patiently in line as the queue is now stretching all the way around the Healing Springs. Be kind to each other. That is all!

     The End.

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