Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,723,333 Issue: 999 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Drink Debacle

by leighlizzzie

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Samrin's Inspiration
"Samrin enjoyed the crisp winter air blowing gently across his face as he skated on the freshly shovelled ice. The frigid air was perfect for skating, making the ice..."

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The Truth Behind Gourmet Prices
The perfect setting! Collab with hottie_2004_67_888

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Comedy Isn't My Strong Suit
Some Pets aren't great at everything...

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Ramona and The Snowager
"As Ramona stepped out of her hut, the snow started falling harder. Neopets and their owners quickly ran in and out of the building across the way..."

by peppermintandrea

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