Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,660,839 Issue: 706 | 6th day of Storing, Y17
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Scream & Shout

by msjanny

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Oopsy Daisy
Watch where you pick!

by kouger233


Grooming Woes
Grooming isn't easy.

by cherokee165


Mr. Aramate's Wonderous Emporium of the Soul: Part Five
Peter was of course an eight year old, as I think we’ve mentioned before. At such an age there can be only one reaction when you are caught somewhere you aren't supposed to be - run.

by herdygerdy


Eclectic Antics: Writing Tip
A scathing, poignant remark will henceforth be scrawled in this vacuous space.

by amarettoball

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