Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,646,926 Issue: 704 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y17
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Pirate Problems - One Size Fits ... Most?

by squawkies

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Great stories!


Fire-Born: Part Four
Fyora flew to a different part of the castle, and Vineti the Chocolate Aisha turned to the guard Aaron. “Right this way, miss,” he said, walking in front of her. She followed him down a long hallway with many doors, finally stopping in front of a gilded set of double doors, smaller than those in the main hall but still impressive. He opened one of them for her. “These are the guest quarters. I’ll be right outside if you need anything.”

by goodsigns


Scroll Of The Wise: Part 4
"This has been a public service announcement."

by fourin


Do YOU Keep Fun Records?
I have to admit, my favorite petpage that I ever created was the one listing the pets I've given away. As of today, I've given away 88 zapped pets, and I'm looking to give away 100 total! Feeling inspired to keep more fun records, but unsure of what they should be, I asked my fellow players on the Neoboards about what fun records they keep for themselves. I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences


The Korbats in the Pumpkin Patch
Asmundar was a clever little Eyrie, but there was one thing that he just couldn’t figure out tonight, and it had been bugging him and bugging him. He couldn’t get the Korbat face on his pumpkin just right. He had spent hours and hours using his claw on every pumpkin in his owner’s pumpkin patch, but he was a perfectionist and something just wasn’t right.

by jade_ceres

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