Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,646,926 Issue: 704 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y17
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The Shade Files - Halloween Nightmare: Part One

It was the day before Halloween. At the Defenders of Neopia headquarters, the various agents and support staff working there, myself included, were having a party to celebrate the arrival. It was obvious that the majority of the front line staff, if not all, would be out working the streets the following day, making sure that the children were all safe once the night arrived for trick or treating.

by lupe_hunter_7
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High Score Guide to “Typing Terror"

I’ve always loved typing games. There is something about being able to type extremely fast and with great accuracy that makes me excited. I've definitely enjoyed how challenging this game can me and like many of you, one of my wishes is to someday get a first place trophy in Typing Terror. So, after countless games and research, I’ve come to learn a couple of tricks about this game that will help you get a high score and today, I’ve decided to share these with you. Let's get started!

Other Stories


Loyalty Lives
Dalibor was on escort duty. The shadow Peophin was an up-and-coming solider in the kingdom of Psellio. He did not complain. He was honored to serve the royal family: King Anselm, Queen Adaeze and Princess Valenchesa. Whatever his orders, he obeyed without question.

by 77thbigby


The Korbats in the Pumpkin Patch
Asmundar was a clever little Eyrie, but there was one thing that he just couldn’t figure out tonight, and it had been bugging him and bugging him. He couldn’t get the Korbat face on his pumpkin just right. He had spent hours and hours using his claw on every pumpkin in his owner’s pumpkin patch, but he was a perfectionist and something just wasn’t right.

by jade_ceres


Character Re-Introductions: Zargrold (The COOL)
In Character Re-Introductions I interview an already established character who had recently came back to everyone's attention. This time I'm interviewing the Grundo Gormball player that had recently won his second Annual Gormball Championship: Zargrold, also known as Zargrold the COOL.

by pikachu315111


NeoCash Outfits for the Spooky Halloween Season
Halloween is one of the most fun and exciting times to customize your pets! Wonderful colours, sweet candy and frightening monsters are set to feature in customizations this year. Below are some fun outfits to put together using Halloween themed items, so why not have a try?

by gattacaa


Play with Clay
Well, they could make pottery with it....

Also by tizzlestix

by msjanny


Normal is Boring
Meet the Family!

by alexatina

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