Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 193,646,926 Issue: 704 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y17
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Continued Series

Adventures Aren't Just in Books: Part Five

I lean over Albert’s shoulder, trying to get a glimpse at what he is looking at. I only see a few words before he turns around and glares at me: “You’re blocking my light.”

by kitstar1
Turning Pages: Part Six

Stephanie backed away from Magis Magister, tightening her grip on Sir Alberts. “What do you mean the story was already written?”

Also by parody_ham

by warriorsrock965

Mr. Aramate's Wonderous Emporium of the Soul: Part Three

Old Annie ate her supper in front of the neovision set every evening. One of her granddaughters came round to make it for her, that night it was Valerie. She was a good, dutiful girl in her mid-twenties. Once Annie had finished her meal Valerie cleaned the dishes and then said goodnight. The younger Cybunny kissed the elder lightly on the forehead and then was away into the night.

by herdygerdy
Fire-Born: Part Four

Fyora flew to a different part of the castle, and Vineti the Chocolate Aisha turned to the guard Aaron. “Right this way, miss,” he said, walking in front of her. She followed him down a long hallway with many doors, finally stopping in front of a gilded set of double doors, smaller than those in the main hall but still impressive. He opened one of them for her. “These are the guest quarters. I’ll be right outside if you need anything.”

by goodsigns
A Queen's Ascension - Justice: Part Five

Frezon had to admit, he was surprised by what Sankara had suggested. It was now almost a week since his coronation, and Vyssa and Tomos’ escape (with no news of the two of them) and he had to say he was enjoying kingship. Everyone bowed down to him, obeyed his every whim and treated him like the powerful individual he was.

by dudeiloled
To Succeed is to Fail: Chapter Five

Fear me not. Are you yet tired of hearing these three words recited? Well, I can assure you I am not tired of saying them.

by rielcz
Meegla and Fargon's Not-So-Intergalactic Adventures: Part Three

The Sakhmet scenery rushed past Fargon’s face, turning into a sand-colored blur as he chased the Ogrin thief. Fargon, not possessing half as much agility as Meegla, found himself stubbing his toe on the corners of food stalls, tripping over wandering Gebs, and generally unable to run for long without failing in some manner.

by hybatsu
And Then There Was Silence: Part Two

Apsy and Ember are completely lost. t's been at least an hour since the two left the burrows, and, though Apsy had managed to identify which direction was southwest using her natural affinity for recognising the position of Kreludor and its surrounding stars, the king must have either misdirected them or understated exactly how far away the crypts were.

by theschizophrenicpunk
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"Humbug and the Symol Hole" by catytha_love_paz
It was just another normal day for Humbug, the blue Noil. The normal routine consisted of getting up at the crack of dawn to go fishing with Nappox, do a few quests for Edna, and then continue on with his day. However, today seemed a little different. "Good morning, little buddy! We have a big day ahead of us. I have a surprise for you later on," Nappox said as she leaned down to scratch a spot behind his ear. He was slightly disgruntled by the sound of that, seeing as how Nappox's surprises were usually never that pleasant for him, although he couldn't help his leg from starting to twitch at the scratches. He bobbed his head against her hand and followed her slowly out the door, wondering what this so called "surprise" was going to be. They continued on with their usual activities, and he started to wonder if she had forgotten about it altogether.

Other Stories


Humbug and the Symol Hole
It was just another normal day for Humbug, the blue Noil. The normal routine consisted of getting up at the crack of dawn to go fishing with Nappox, do a few quests for Edna, and then continue on with his day. However, today seemed a little different.

by catytha_love_paz


Loyalty Lives
Dalibor was on escort duty. The shadow Peophin was an up-and-coming solider in the kingdom of Psellio. He did not complain. He was honored to serve the royal family: King Anselm, Queen Adaeze and Princess Valenchesa. Whatever his orders, he obeyed without question.

by 77thbigby


A Snowball Affect
Many times I wonder, if I could, how would I get my offline friends to become Neopians? Many people of my age and around it believe that Neopets is a site only for children! Yes this is true, while the demographic is children, there are many adults, college students, and older teenagers who make up most of the user database. With that stipulation gone, your friend might be more inclined to listen and learn more about the wonders of Neopia! I will talk about some of the things and perks of the site that new users might be interested in.

by emo_angel48


Neohow: To Become a Great Artist
So you want to become an artist? That’s understandable, you’re probably reading this because the title drew you in? Ha-ha... Get it?! *shakes head* Ok never mind... Anyway before you become the next big thing like Pablo De’ Kiko there are a few things you should know about the arts.

by alienspacefairy


Scroll Of The Wise: Part 4
"This has been a public service announcement."

by fourin


The Damage Of Trudy's Surprise!
There Goes My Bottle Of Sand...

by mustikeuh121

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