Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 196,942,890 Issue: 952 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y24
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Pirate life

by romina_r

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No legend, no cry
When a new legend is born. Collab with myncithemonkey and timothy1692

by verna_


Puffo's Predicament - Part 1
Puffo gets into a sticky situation...

by christie500018


Kad These Two Set Aside Their Differences?
Two kadoaties, a pirate and ninja, seek the ultimate treasure! Collab with praline01, chrisy_chan, and demsropophu

by belleprintemps


Grouching Pirates, Hidden Ninjas
When ninjas go hungry, pirates arr unhappy. Collab with feraico.

by t0tor0

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