Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 196,942,890 Issue: 952 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y24
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Continued Series

Rosalina and the Way-Weird Beast

“Aww, look at the whittle Werelupe!” Lenny cooed. “He’s so cute! And look at his whittle snarl as he’s clawing his way inside.”

by downrightdude
The Gnorbu and the Crystal Woods

She had dreamt this dream every year, like clockwork, on the eve of her anniversary...

by josephinefarine
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Academy vs Training School: Beginner Course Review

In regards to new Battledome talents, there is fierce competition among school offerings. Both Captain Threelegs’ Swashbuckling Academy and Mystery Island Training School provide all major courses for beginners (till level 40). After level 40 monopoly belongs to both schools on the Mystery Island - Training School and Secret Ninja Training School. In previous Neopian Times issues, authors have covered the financial and course length differences between both training schools for beginners. Even though the economical situation is variable, an article like "The First Forty: A Statistical Analysis of Training Schools" outlines approximate training costs.

Other Stories


Recruiting New Pirates
"So join us in this song because this is where we belong - in the open sea, where adventure awaits. A Pirate's Life for me!"

by pnaylala24


Door the littlest stowaway
One little Draik goes on a big adventure!

by rkbear


The Top 6 Pirate Crosspaints
Today, we’re going to look at 6 types of base colours that–as a whole–look great with Pirate clothing, and are available for all or at least quite a few species!

by newenglandquizzer


Pirates vs. Ninjas: Cook-off!
Who would win in a cook-off?! Pirates, or ninjas?

by swordlilly


Dinner with the Scarlets: Pirate Problems
Melandine is one to talk, she’s painted Christmas.

by june_scarlet


Idea Crisis
The final solution to be a fan of both sides. Collab with Flaiyper

by black_kisa

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