Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 196,942,890 Issue: 952 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y24
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Short Stories

Snakebite Noir

A curse! A heist! A betrayal! Oh my! Collab with kebicorn

by joanna_lewis
The Ninja Who Was a Good Traitor

Walda the Baby Kacheek learns a lesson or two in standing up for what's right, even when it seems impossible.

by _brainchild_
The Ninja Pirate

A brave Vandagyre follows the trail of a Stealthy Mynci and his troupe of thieves, to discover the truth in the legend.

by lupe_hunter_7
PIRATES vs NINJAS Super Challenge Showdown

The exuberant Better Than You Host ushers you into the newest Pirates vs Ninjas Showdown, whether you like it or not! Collab with iggy___koopa

by love_check
Space Pirates!

A battle ensues on tumultuous galactic seas!

by herdygerdy
When Worlds Collide

It's a battle between ninjakin and piratefolk, and Dylan the Krawk is thrown right in the middle of the fight.

by parody_ham
Door the littlest stowaway

One little Draik goes on a big adventure!

by rkbear
Recruiting New Pirates

"So join us in this song because this is where we belong - in the open sea, where adventure awaits. A Pirate's Life for me!"

by pnaylala24
The Admiral's Ninja

A captain, a stranded ninja, an old friend, and an unlikely outcome to an ill-intended sabotage.

by dudeiloled
The Golden Dubloon's Grog Hub

Steve the Meerca is tasked with producing a winning commercial for the Golden Dubloon.

by sparktater
Neojutsu, Secret of the Stones

Ryshu the Nimmo seeks out the Island Mystic for information regarding the next Guardian of the Training School.

by cazcazig
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Academy vs Training School: Beginner Course Review

In regards to new Battledome talents, there is fierce competition among school offerings. Both Captain Threelegs’ Swashbuckling Academy and Mystery Island Training School provide all major courses for beginners (till level 40). After level 40 monopoly belongs to both schools on the Mystery Island - Training School and Secret Ninja Training School. In previous Neopian Times issues, authors have covered the financial and course length differences between both training schools for beginners. Even though the economical situation is variable, an article like "The First Forty: A Statistical Analysis of Training Schools" outlines approximate training costs.

Other Stories


G&B: Pirates vs Ninjas
Today, we join in the age old debate Pirates vs Ninjas! Collab with neoghia

by hotneograndma


Insult Sword Fighting in "The Ballad of Mirglepelago"
Excitement is building after the recent announcement that The PJ Grundonn Company (NEODAQ:TPP) awarded AAA Game Studioz (@AAAgamestudioz) a license to remaster the OrangeShirt cult-classic point and click adventure game, "The Ballad of Mirglepelago"!

by rielcz


Capture the Flag
Are you sure you don’t want to join capture the flag?

by rrooaarrrr


The Blooms of Shenkuu: Legacies
I fear that what has happened this night will shake the very spine of the world. And now she has risen like the moon … what new legacy will now be written in the mists?

by exanomaly


Pirates vs. Ninjas: Laundray Day Mishap!
Wardrobe mix up!

by whitezea


Hannah and the Ninja Caves?
Who needs Pirates when you can fight Ninjas, right? Collab with fishmas and silakbo

by acara_575

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