The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 196,942,890 Issue: 952 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y24
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Idea Crisis

by black_kisa

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Great stories!


Insult Sword Fighting in "The Ballad of Mirglepelago"
Excitement is building after the recent announcement that The PJ Grundonn Company (NEODAQ:TPP) awarded AAA Game Studioz (@AAAgamestudioz) a license to remaster the OrangeShirt cult-classic point and click adventure game, "The Ballad of Mirglepelago"!

by rielcz


Door the littlest stowaway
One little Draik goes on a big adventure!

by rkbear


Recruiting New Pirates
"So join us in this song because this is where we belong - in the open sea, where adventure awaits. A Pirate's Life for me!"

by pnaylala24


Neojutsu, Secret of the Stones
Ryshu the Nimmo seeks out the Island Mystic for information regarding the next Guardian of the Training School.

by cazcazig

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