White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,205,082 Issue: 972 | 4th day of Storing, Y24
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A Villainous Halloween

by shellshocks

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Great stories!


Trick or Treat Maze
Help the Petpet solve the maze and get more delicious Halloween candy!

by gromits


Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 3
You're not the only one seeing strange things!

by twillieblossom


Roast Tentacle
That costume looks so real!

by legilis


Night of the Evil Coconuts
"Long before the invention of the famous Coco Whip Slushie, a small tribe of coconut people had discovered the only place where the Neopian Chocolate River meets the Cream Waterfall. The resulting mixtures were collected by the Pango Tribe and given to young Neopets as treats."

by cazcazig

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