Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,410,267 Issue: 980 | 7th day of Eating, Y25
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"A Vegetable Soup Recipe for Neopets Cookbook."

by kimpossibleluvr

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Inflation is Bananas!
"With inflation the way it is in the Neopian economy it can sometimes be hard to afford even the smallest of luxuries, for example some fresh exotic fruit."

by iwonder


Inflation is Bananas!
Inflation has even caught up to the most well of Neopians... Collab with suzerz

by cureleantwilight


Hidden Tower Hijinks
Oops, I must have slipped up! Collab with darkobsession

by chai7705


All in an April Fools Day work!
"A Biscuit Xweetok named Cookie asked as he sat with his friends on a Biscuit Chair in his Neolodge Room..."

by alvissofcaldia

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