Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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The Weewoos are gone!!

by _angel_852

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Wishful Thinking
Make a wish and it might come true!

by hedesku


10 Ways to Spend the Day with Your Weewoo
"In celebration of issue 1000 of the Neopian Times, we thought it would be a great idea to spend the day with your Weewoo and show them all the wonderful parts of Neopia that they might have missed before..." Collab with corryn10

by tamimarieb


"Dude, the sun is coming up..."

by ssjelitegirl


The Thousand Year Time-Out
"Caylis awoke from a refreshing night's sleep. From the tips of her webbed ears to the caudal fin of her periwinkle-blue tail, the Aisha's body was relaxed, yet full of energy..."

by liouchan

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