Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,798,779 Issue: 1005 | 5th day of Eating, Y26
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Only Grey on April Fool's Day

by dehoot

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The Great April 1st Switch-A-Roo
Neopia gets a switch up

by logical_loophole


Warning! Don't Visit the Snowager in Meri Acres Farm
"Day after day we trek out to Meri Acres Farm to brave the Snowager. Here we hope to find treasures only grabbed by the brave or an elusive avatar that ranks us among the best..." Collab with lorenzish and corryn10

by tamimarieb


A Faerie Friendly Wager
"At that moment, up in the comforts of the luxurious skybox, the Faerie Queen floated over to the Snow Faerie..."

by black_skull725


Wheel of Monotony Shenanigans
"Nothing to see here folks, it's just another totally normal day..."

by pikcel

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