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The Queen Family: Dark Connections

by gentle_lil_queen


Daydream the Faerie Bori stared at the approaching shores of the Kiko Lake outskirts from the deck of the ferry they took from the Brightvale outskirts. She never visited Kiko Lake much; it wasn't really her style and she was never happy with their Altador Cup team's actions. But, even she couldn't deny the serene atmosphere.

     "Indal, we're almost there," Daydream called to her Darigan Peophin sibling.

     Indal was lying upon the dock and gently lifted their head to see the approaching shore. "...Hm, it is very nice."

     "From here. I'm not looking forward to the bugs," Daydream muttered.

     "Just use your air magic to ward them away." Indal got up to join Daydream.

     "Maybe. I'm just glad they're not flying here... Or more importantly, that the shades aren't.

     "They're still in the town focused on the residents," Indal said seriously. "We've still got a hike through the woods before we reach there.

     "Think they'll hit the ocean docks eventually?" Daydream wondered.

     "Not if I have anything to say about it." Indal gazed at the approaching dock.

     "If you're that determined, you could swim ahead; you are a Peophin now," Daydream smirked.

     Indal laughed. "I'm going to be fighting. I'm saving my energy. If you're so eager, swim ahead yourself."

     "And be soaking wet for my hospital shift? No thanks. Flower will just have to wait a little longer for me."

     So the pair disembarked from the ferry normally, and made their way with other fighters and volunteers to the wide, well-maintained path through the woods. Although the walk was short, it wasn't long before the moquots found them. Daydream indeed used an air shield around herself and Indal. Some volunteers used earth magic to hide their scent, others fire to ward the bugs away...

     And one Striped Uni muttered something unintelligible, creating a dark shield around herself that caused all nearby Moquots to fall at once.

     "Fyora's sake!" cried a Green Bruce, who stepped back from the Uni.

     The Uni scoffed. "You don't need to avoid it, I only put enough power in it to get rid of the bugs."

     The Bruce shuddered before turning to his Usul companion. "All the dark deeds ever done and the darkness from the Void, and people still have the audacity to lean into that magic..."

     "Maybe working for them in secret?" The Usul muttered worryingly.

     "Oh quiet and keep it to yourself. Enjoy the Moquots." The Uni rolled her eyes and walked to the front of the group.

     The Bruce shook his head. "What? Dark magic? The dark Void? I can't be the only one who sees it!"

     Others in the group murmured mixed opinions, some with a wary look towards the Uni. "It was pretty extreme." "So what, so are the Moquots though." "What is the difference between dark magic and Void magic, really?" "Especially destructive ones like that..."

     "Can we move ahead?" Indal muttered to Daydream.

     Daydream nodded vaguely, and they moved away from the murmurs.

     "Even if Void magic is dark magic, that doesn't mean that's all darkness," Indal grumbled.

     Daydream nodded slowly. "Yeah. The type could be anything..."

     "What's wrong, Daydream? You're quiet."

     Daydream's mouth thinned as she pondered what to say.

     "...Don't tell me you agree with him?" Indal gestured incredulously at the Bruce.

     "No, he's out of line." Daydream's frown deepened as they looked distantly. "It's just, the Void being dark magic connected is a thought-"

     "A thought? He's only out of line? She's done nothing wrong and has as much right to be here as the rest of us. You should know that by now."

     "No, I know! I-- By now? What--?"

     "You know what, I'm talking to her." Indal moved ahead towards the Uni, where they engaged in casual conversation. Daydream bit her lip and shut her eyes tight.

     "Don't bother with him," the Bruce caught up to assure Daydream. "I can see that you--"

     "No you don't, quiet… Everyone, quiet!" Daydream moved ahead and walked alone.

     They reached the town shortly. There, shades were actively attacking and attempting to get in the homes and makeshift shields that the residents of Kiko Lake barricaded themselves within.

     "Let's waste no time," Indal said to the group before charging to the debriefing area. They nodded to the Uni, who followed them along with the other fighters.

     Daydream noticed that Indal didn't look at her. She huffed out a sigh. "It's not like that. I'm not--"

     "Oh, you're here."

     Daydream turned her head to see Flower the Faerie Ixi approaching and speaking. "Where's Indal? I gotta talk to you both on what to expect."

     "Oh, Indal went on ahead. They... might be upset. It's a little my fault?"

     Flower tilted her head. "Did you do something wrong?"

     "No, I... I didn't mean to... not on purpose?"

     "Do you want to talk about it?"

     Daydream went quiet. Flower sighed.

     "Later, then. I gotta debrief you two and then I gotta go. It's Voidlings and Wyrms now. They're like smaller Snowagers. More powerful than the Prowlers. Trivial to Indal, but they'd overpower you. You'd better stay away."

     Daydream nodded. Flower briskly walked past Daydream towards the field.

     Daydream was making her way to the volunteer station when she paused. If it was so trivial to Indal, why bother debriefing them? Especially when she had to leave?

     She remembered the other night, when they first heard of the attack on Brightvale. The night of Flower's strange chantings, unlike anything she knew. Followed by the words that have since echoed in her head: "I can see you. I know you’re there." And she was so... evasive about it all.

     Daydream couldn't conceive of the truth. None of her theories so far made sense. The Void magic theory was even more far-fetched. Unless... She never really knew Flower?

     "...This shouldn't bother me. She's not bad. And she's allowed to have secrets. If I push, Indal will probably get the wrong idea again." Daydream tried to convince herself of this. But she ultimately snuck closer to the briefing station, taking the chance that Flower wouldn't cast her sensing spell now.

     "...You think they'll find it?" Indal asked.

     "I'm taking no chances," Flower said. "Besides, there's something I have to know."

     "Well, good luck. Sneak behind the Carpentry shop; no one's looking there."

     "Before I go, Daydream seemed upset. A misunderstanding?"

     Indal huffed. "I don't know, maybe. It's just, someone was being a jerk and jumping to conclusions about a dark user being evil and connected to the Void. And Daydream's reaction... She acted as if he had a point."

     "Mm... I see..." Flower bit her lip and looked away, disappointed. "I guess she still thinks that way. Can you talk to her about it?"

     "After I beat up some shades, I'll try."

     "Fine. I'm going."

     Flower pranced away towards the Carpentry shop. For a moment, Daydream couldn't move. She... really didn't mean it like that. She was just so deep in thought. Was it her face? But what was Flower's reaction?

     But also, what was she doing? Find it? Something she has to know?

     ...It's really none of her business. But between the misunderstanding and the clear absence of battle debriefing, Daydream was troubled. Keeping secrets was one thing, but to not trust her? Assuming that without context, after all their years together?

     Daydream tried to swallow her rising anger... and heartache. Maybe she could've been friendlier? Less snippy? Gave herself more time to think? But how could she explain when Indal would just react and Flower would just dodge all questions? ...She could follow her. Then she could have a better idea of how to fix... this. And if she did misjudge Flower, at least she would know.

     ...But if she went and followed Flower to satisfy her own curiosity, wouldn't that prove that she wasn't to be trusted? When she had to keep the family together?

     No, their secrets were their right. She shouldn't press. And if something worse did happen, it would be made clear. So when Flower dived into the woods, Daydream chose not to follow. She'd prove her trustworthiness and try to have a real conversation with them later.


     "Look out!"

     The battlefield became intense. The Shades had surrounded the fighters by land and by lake.

     "Group one, take the docks! Water creatures, attack from below! All others, formations! Get them back!"

     Indal dove into the water while their new Uni companion stood at the dock just above to guard their new friend.

     "Guess they got to swim after all," Daydream couldn't help but smile. A smile that broke when she saw a group of five Voidlings enter the forest just behind Kiko Lake Carpentry.


     She never knew Flower to be a fighter. Could Flower fight the shades by herself? Would the Shades even find her? Daydream didn't know, but she was taking no chances. If her magic was Void-connected, she should know. If it wasn't, Flower was in trouble. ...No….She was definitely in trouble. She zoomed towards the forest to follow the Voidlings.

     ...But eager in their search, the Voidlings quickly dispersed out of sight. Daydream briefly pondered the wisdom of her actions. She wasn't a fighter. The one time she tried to fight the Voidlings, they wounded her. And Flower could be anywhere. But if they found Flower... she could use a warning.

     Daydream flew above the forest, cast a small speed spell on herself, and zipped above the canopy while scanning for Flower. The Voidlings were fast, but they weren't smart enough to look above the treeline. It wasn't long before she found Flower, who was making her way through the overgrowth. She seemed ignorant of the Shades. Daydream should warn her now...

     Flower stopped suddenly and looked at a fallen log, a tree stump, and a moss-covered rock. Daydream realized that these items and their surroundings looked too sorted, almost like a circle. Daydream flew below the canopy.

     Flower looked around her, but Daydream remained hidden. Flower removed the moss from the rock and placed her hoof to it. She muttered a strange incantation, and a glowing purple rune shone on the rock face.

     "I seek not entry, but words; my warning, and your guidance." Flower spoke as she walked to the fallen log.

     She muttered her spellwords again as she moved her paw along the length of the fallen log, which began to glow. "I am alone, but I will keep watch for your safety."

     Wards? Daydream was intrigued. She was definitely using magic, but there was more to it. This secret area was clearly hiding something.

     Flower moved to the tree stump and put her hoof atop it. She muttered spell words, and a sigil hovered in the air above the stump and her hoof. "Grant me audience. I will tell you what I know, as I finish the ritual to assure your safe--"


     Daydream screamed as a Voidling collided with her. She and the Voidling tumbled to the ground, and the Voidling gnashed its teeth at her.

     "Leave... leave!!" the Voidling cried.

     "You're making it hard!" Daydream snapped at the Voidling with her own teeth before swiping at the Voidling. She made small gashes, and it recoiled

     "Flower, Shades incoming!" Daydream cried out as she stood. She cast a gust of wind to gain more distance between her and the attacking Voidling. "I'm not a fighter, but I can buy us time--"

     "No trust... never again."

     Daydream turned her head in time for another Voidling to collide with her and bite her arm. Daydream cried out. The first Voidling collided with her again. Daydream attempted to keep her footing and keep them away from her face. But between the second Voidling gnawing at her arm and their combined strength, Daydream found herself pinned. And in the distance, she thought she saw a third of the five Shades.

     "Ahhh!! No no no!" Daydream panicked. She swiped ferociously and muttered clumsy spellwords that never created more than weak gusts. "Flower, please, HELP ME!!"

     "Esluper!" A dark aura surrounded Daydream.

     Bang! The dark aura rapidly expanded, knocking all of the Voidlings back. One skidded against the forest ground, another slammed into a tree, and the third one was briefly unable to approach.

     "Daydream, get up!" Flower rushed forward and pushed Daydream to a sitting position. "How many?"

     Daydream sat in shock. Soon, the third Voidling approached.

     "Wodash Tsalb!" Flower fired a dark blast at the approaching Voidling, who screeched and recoiled. "How many?!"

     "F-five... Dunno... the others..."

     "Help me herd them in here!" Flower nodded to the ritual area.

     "H-herd... what..." Daydream trailed off.

     Flower put a hoof on Daydream's shoulder. "Wodash Thlaeh! Shur!"

     Daydream felt a strange surge go through her, and she jumped to her feet. She felt life return to her body, replacing the energy she didn't know she had lost... and surpassing it. The tingle of Flower's strange magic resonating through her body was unmistakable, but she no longer cared.

     "Come on, you haven't beat me yet!" Daydream cried with a confidence that didn't feel her own. She moved towards the ritual area.

     Flower moved towards the stump. "When you've herded them, stand near me and keep them there!"

     "I'm supposed to herd all of them myself?!" Daydream cried out as she grappled with a Voidling that charged her.

     Another Voidling rushed Flower, and she smacked it towards the ritual area. "Of course not."

     Daydream glanced over to see the other Voidling, along with a fourth Shade. The fourth one looped around to flank Daydream. Daydream gusted the first one off of her and ducked low, ready to roll away from the encroaching ones. Now if Flower would--

     "Wodash Tsalb!" And the flanking Voidling stumbled to Daydream's feet. The remaining Voidlings charged Daydream, and she rolled so that they would bump into each other.

     "Five! Where's five?" Daydream called. She glanced over to Flower, and found the fifth one already charging her.

     "Flower!" Daydream held out a hand and let out another gust that pushed the Voidling back and away.

     "No, the circle!" Flower rushed over to the fifth Voidling and blasted them closer to the area. "Get to the stump!"

     The other Voidlings recovered, and they were attempting to claw at Daydream's legs. She rushed back, but one Voidling followed.

     "Keep them back!" Flower rushed to the stump and put her hoof atop it.

     Daydream gusted again, thankful for the rush of energy that Flower had given her; she'd be useless without it. But the Voidling dodged this time.

     "Enough!!" Daydream swiped at the Voidling and knocked it back. She winced in pain. Right, that was the arm that was bitten. Had she... forgotten she was injured?

     "Guardians, remove the intruders!!"

     A glowing light flowed from the stump to Flower's hoof, and then flowed to form a circle around the Voidlings. The area darkened so that Daydream could barely see, but she could see shadows of dark tendrils within the magical aura. She heard simultaneous screeching, and then nothing. Light returned, and it was as if the Voidlings never were.

     Daydream laughed; she didn't know why. "That was... Ha... So close..."

     "Sit down, you took a beating. Don't listen to your body; I gave you false life."

     Daydream obliged. "That's an old dark magic spell..."

     Flower sighed. "There's no point hiding it now. I'm a dark mage. Have been nearly all my life."

     Daydream shut her eyes. "Ha. Well, that explains... almost everything. I don't know the specifics, but I know that's not just normal dark magic. And you're really good at it."

     "In exchange for saving you, can we keep this to ourselves and call a truce on that?" Flower asked.

     Daydream opened her eyes and blinked. "...A truce?"

     "It's no secret how dark mages are seen." Flower stared at Daydream.

     "...And? It's not a problem with me," Daydream said.


     "Your dark magic. Dark magic by itself isn't the problem. There's something going on, but it's clearly not the Void, or they wouldn't have attacked you. Wasn't likely anyway. There's no harm, so there's no problem."

     "...Indal was telling me that you reacted oddly to dark magic today. That you likened dark magic to Void magic, as if they're the same."

     Daydream sighed. "It wasn't like that, I promise. It's a small extreme part of dark magic, and no reason to hate all dark magic. But... I've been thinking about it, because I suspected you use it. The way you cast spells was so unique, so... strange. And you were evasive. It struck me. I kept wondering what your specialty was. With that and the Void, I've been thinking so much about it. When I heard that Bruce's theory, I got caught in my speculations... at the wrong time."

     "I guess I acted suspicious. That's on me. ...Still, you equated the two pretty quickly. Do you still believe in what you talked about back then? The stories of evil Dark faeries? How you were fae-like, but not like Dark faeries. How you'd never be evil like that."

     Daydream winced. "I'd... forgotten about that..." She sighed. "I don't. I really don't. ...But I understand why you'd think that. It looks bad because it is bad. Maybe I made that connection because I still have more to unlearn..."

     Daydream started to feel her false life waning. She forced herself to look up at Flower. "I believed a lot of silly things when I was young. I believed I could be a faerie. Be a famous singer. Be more than I was. ...And I wanted to fit in with those I admired, during a time when hating Dark faeries was normal. So I parroted them and believed those silly stories. But life never turned out so perfect. And... I grew up. So when that Bruce acted like a jerk to that Uni, it also jarred me that I thought like that once."

     Daydream put her good paw on Flower's shoulder. "I don't blame you for holding on. I broke your trust. And I never apologized. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll do my best to not be stupid again."

     There was a long silence. But Daydream could swear that she saw relief in Flower's eyes. She couldn't recall ever seeing such an earnest expression from Flower.

     "Thank you. That's all I needed. I'm sorry for assuming."

     Flower quickly collected herself and sighed, as if she were correcting herself. "You need to keep this secret."

     "Why does it need to be secret?" Daydream asked.

     Flower's eyes flitted from side to side. "Because... There are refugees here, those who were rejected by society for their dark magic leanings. They need a safe place to call home."

     "I see," Daydream said, not fully believing her. "I would never break their trust."

     "They have to be careful. Even if nothing you said happened, you still wouldn't be let in. Don't take it personally."

     "Right... Okay..." Daydream felt the false life leave her, and she found herself swaying on the spot. She noticed how disheveled she was. She was scratched all over, and the bite wound on her arm... didn't look good. And it was harder to concentrate when she was so lightheaded...

     Flower reached into a satchel and retrieved a piece of cloth, which she tied tightly around Daydream's arm. "You need to get back. Forget volunteering, you're the patient now."

     "Can I... make it?"

     "...Wait here." Flower gently led Daydream inside the circle and laid her down before returning to the log, placing her hoof on top. She muttered something else, and the floating sigil turned red.

     "She helped defend this place. Can you give her the strength she needs to get back? ...And the others, you saw what happened. That's the warning. These Void creatures are all over Neopia. My question: Is the void at all dark magic, including dark faerie magic?"

     An unnatural silence filled the area. Daydream's vision faded in and out... until it didn't. Slowly, she felt the pinpricks of false life enter her again. This time it didn't overwhelm her; she just felt the strength to rise.

     "...I see. Thank you." Flower looked troubled. But she turned to Daydream. "Promise that you will never tell anyone besides Indal and I about this place, unless they tell you about it first."

     Indal? "Not Gimmer?"

     "Gimmer doesn't need to know. Neither did you, but it's too late for that."

     "Right. I promise."

     Daydream felt something flow through her, and she had a feeling that she would be held to this promise.

     "That's all." Flower murmured some words, and the sigils around the area disappeared. The forest area was normal again. "Let's go."

     They chose to fly, but Daydream's flight was slow and hobbled. Flower kept a close eye on her. They eventually landed back at Kiko Lake, just in front of the medical centre. The nurse took one look at Daydream before sending her to immediate treatment, where she promptly fainted.

     Daydream came to several times during treatment, but it wasn't until she saw Indal and Flower that she forced her eyes open.

     "Daydream, are you feeling okay?" Indal asked, their voice full of concern.

     "I... don't know," Daydream said. "They really hit me hard, didn't they..."

     "She followed me to warn me about the Voidlings," Flower explained. "They found her first."

     "...I only followed because I was eavesdropping," Daydream said. "I'm sorry. ...And Indal, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it like that--"

     "No, I'm sorry," Indal said. "I realized mid-battle that I stretched your words too far and put your past self in your present place. You've been chill around dark magic. You grew up surrounded by that prejudice, but I know you've outgrown it. I should've remembered that."

     "...But I never apologized. So I'm doing it now. I'm sorry." Daydream smiled at Flower. "Besides, I'd never hate you."

     Indal looked at Flower, who whispered: "She knows about my magic."

     "She saved me," Daydream said. "And besides, I think it's cool. I've always admired magic, but I'm not talented enough to do more than admire. She's so in tune with magic. Like a real faerie."

     Flower blinked, then looked away. "I was just using what I had to save you."

     Indal laughed. "Actually, she saved me in a similar way. It's how we met."


     "It was mutual," Flower waved a hoof. "But that's a long story. Indal, I want to take Daydream to Faerieland for healing. Are you okay getting back to battle?"

     "If Daydream's ready," Indal said.

     "Ah, you don't need to watch me take forever to stand. I'll be okay with her. I'm just glad we talked. ...I'm sorry if I caused you to leave mid-battle."

     "Don't be," Indal said. "I couldn't concentrate anyway. Nearly got Aya hurt for that. You and I had to talk."


     "The uni we met."

     "Ah. Tell her I'm sorry for the distraction. And tell her that her ward helped a lot and was super cool."

     Indal smiled. "I will." With that, they put a comforting hoof on Daydream's shoulder, smiled, and left the medical tent.

     Once Indal left, Daydream looked to Flower. "Your question, their answer... What was it?"

     "...Not known to them," Flower whispered. "It's foreign. But they think a rogue Dark faerie could be involved."

     "...I see." Daydream lay back and sighed loudly. "I guess there could still be an evil dark faerie after all..."

     "See, Dark faeries, dark magic, like I said!" The Bruce shouted from a few beds down. "Everyone knows I'm right, I'm just the only one who's big enough to admit--"

     Daydream and Flower called out: "Shush!"

     The End.

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