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Typing Terror Avatar -- Obtainable Guide

by erikareneelove


Growing your avatar collections can be hard when you're down to mainly games and stamps. Playing a game over and over and over again can be so frustrating--but it can also be so worth it when you finally get that Avatar. Some games are so difficult you just never want to play them again, like for many: Typing Terror. Part of the game is skill, but a huge part of it is also luck. As someone who recently got the avatar, here are my tips/guide:


Practice, practice, practice!

     This game requires the ability to type, and it helps if you can confidently type without looking at your keyboard. This is what makes the game complicated for some--understandably, not everyone is good at typing. It can take time to learn how to type quickly and correctly.

     Get comfortable with your keyboard. Maybe find a typing game online where you can practice without the stress and pressure of Robot Grundos coming at you! Once you’re comfortable with your keyboard and your typing, practice in the game.


Get a feel for the game

     Don’t go into practice mode when you start playing the game. That doesn’t give you a good feel for how points are earned in the game. Play it in live mode so when you’re playing to actually win the avatar, you’re already comfortable with watching your score and priortising the Grundos.

     I recommend playing on full screen if you can.

     The game is broken down into six levels:

     *Three letter words. There are a lot of simple words like “hut, aye, jut”, etc.

     *Four letter words. They like to use lesser used letters, such as “J, Q, and Z”

     *Five letter words. You’re going to notice a pattern here--there’s going to be a lot of words that are just slightly *different or slightly longer than the words from the last round. E.g. pyre to pyres

     *Six letter words. Same as before, the words change slightly but many are similar to the words in the last round. *You’re also going to notice the Grundos moving towards you faster.

     *Seven letter words. These Grundos are going to be moving the fastest of all the levels, but don’t worry! They continue to repeat the pattern of using familiar words.

     *The BOSS. You have 60 seconds to type twenty-five words--and they’re all eight letters long. This will feel very overwhelming at first.

     You will also notice that there are three different types of Grundos. Each Grundo is worth a different amount of points:

     *Yellow Grundos. These are the most common. They are worth five points each.

     *Red Grundos. These have words the are spelled backwards on their chest and are worth twenty points each.

     *Red Broken Grundos. These are the Grundos you want--they’re worth 100 points each.

     You’re going to notice a robotic sound in the game every time a red or broken Grundo comes on the screen. Pay attention to this sound--it comes in handy!

     And perhaps most important: there is a bonus at the end of each round for accuracy. If you make zero mistakes, you get an extra 200 points at the end of the round. Typos deduct points from your end of round bonus. The game counts your keystrokes and compares it to how many letters you got correct. Make sure that you’re careful and don’t hit buttons in between words.



     After you’ve gotten comfortable with your keyboard and your typing skill, you’ll want to start working towards the avatar. It’s a game that takes time, practice, and luck. I’ve broken my strategy down into a few simple steps:

     *Practice in live mode. Do not expect to be good right away. You need to get a feel for typing with the Grundos coming at you, and how you accumulate points. Focus on learning the words and noticing the patterns in the words.

     *Even if you’re not doing well in the rounds and your points are low, keep going until you get to the boss. It’s the same 25 words every single time. The more that you play the boss, the more familiar you’ll get with the words, and the faster you’ll be able to type them. But beware: they’re in a different, random order every time.

     *Practice not typing every word that comes up as fast as you can. There is no time bonus, only an accuracy bonus. Typing correctly is more important than typing quickly in the first five levels.

     *Practice allowing the Yellow Grundos to get close to you, at least half way before you start typing their words. You want to always try and get the red and broken words typed first, as you earn more points.

     *If there are four Yellow Grundos coming at you, just type the words--there are never more than four Grundos coming at you at a time, so no Red Grundos are going to appear!

          Start to pay attention to your score at the end of each round. I found that how I got success was to have scores around certain amounts at the end of each round:

     Round 1: 400 to 500 points (if you have less than 400, and you’re playing for the avatar and not practice, restart the game)

     Round 2: 800 to 1000 points

     Round 3: 1400 to 1600 points

     Round 4: 1800 to 2200 points

     Round 5: 2500 to 2600 points (if you have less than 2500, and you’re playing for the avatar and not practice, restart the game)

     You need to have at least 2500 points at the end of round five. In the final boss round, you can earn up to 1100 points if you spell every word correctly and in 60 seconds, with ZERO mistakes. The accuracy bonus for the boss is 300 points instead of 200 points. Every correct word is worth 20 points. And you get 100 extra points per remaining life. So make it a goal to not lose any lives while you play!

     If you’re starting to get too frustrated or you’re noticing that you’re getting worse as you play over and over and over…..TAKE A BREAK. Go do something else. You can always come back to the game later!

     If you already have a basic typing skill, the game can be mastered in a few hours. From there, it just takes luck with getting the right Grundos. If you’re not great at typing, you’re going to have to dedicate more time to mastering the game. While the avatar seems to be unobtainable, it’s very much within your reach! You just need to give it a little time and a little effort and you’ll be showing off that new avvie in no time!

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