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Reia's Quest

by peppermintandrea


Reia walked through the sparkly pink gates to the Faerie Festival fairgrounds, looking around in wonder. Neopets of all species and colours were running around, completing quests and bringing junk to recycle. The Red Bruce had one goal in mind; she wanted to become a Faerie Bruce! She headed towards the Faerie Quests.

     “Halt!” a Faerie Blibble flew in front of Reia. “Before you can continue, you must choose a side! You can either join Jhudora’s or Illusen’s team.”

     “That’s… weird,” Reia said. “That wasn’t a thing last year.”

     “Well it is this year,” the Blibble said. “So you must choose. Once you’ve chosen, you must complete a quest by them. Then you can participate in the festivities!”

     Well, Reia thought, I guess I need to choose a side and complete their quest. Then I can be on my way. Now, which side should I choose?

     Reia thought long and hard. She was always a fan of Illusen, but supporting a Faerie who lives in Faerieland may help her with her goal. With that in mind, she was off to Jhudora’s Bluff.

     “Welcome to my home, isn’t it wonderful?” Jhudora said, smiling as she greeted the wave of Neopets entering. Reia had not seen this many Neopets enter the hut the entire time she’s been in Faerieland. It looks like everyone is participating in the Faerie Festival. “I see you all have come for a quest. Smart, as I reward Neopets with magical artifacts, not that useless junk from Meridell. Step right up, and receive your quest.”

     Reia knew she’d be spending her whole day searching for quests items, but it would be worth it to get a Faerie Paintbrush! Or maybe she’d be able to visit the Rainbow Fountain! Reia joined the line, and soon she was standing in front of Jhudora.

     “Young Bruce, thank you for joining my team,” Jhudora smiled as Reia stood in front of her. “The first item I would like you to find is a Simple Blue Rug.”

          Reia raced to the Shop Wizard, and found the first shop that had a Simple Blue Rug in stock. She paid the shopkeeper and raced back to Jhudora’s Bluff in a flash.

     “My, that was fast!” Jhudora grinned. “I love eager helpers! Welcome to my team. Here is your reward, a Poisonous Lollypop. I’ll see you tomorrow for your next quest! Enjoy the Faerie Festival! Oh, and make sure you show them the Poisonous Lollypop so they know you have picked a side!”

     Reia raced to the festival grounds, the Poisonous Lollypop in her hand. She saw the Faerie Blibble, who waved her in when she saw the Lollypop in her hand. Reia walked into Faerie Quests, hoping to get a chance to visit the Rainbow Fountain. Queen Fyora greeted her as she walked in.

     “Welcome,” Queen Fyora boomed. “Here is your free gift! Now, step in line to receive your Faerie Quest.” Reia joined the line, where she was greeted by the Library Faerie.

     “Hello, young Bruce,” the Library Faerie said. “I would like you to find me a Jack-o-Lantern Mouth.”

     Reia stopped by the stalls set up with Faerie Quest items, where she was lucky enough to find a Jack-o-Lantern Mouth. Reia breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that she could not use the Shop Wizard while on a Faerie Quest, so she was so glad to find one right away. “How much for this?” she asked the shopkeeper.

     The shopkeeper smiled at her. She was an elderly Kacheek. “For that, current Shop Wizard price is 5,000 Neopoints. Would you like to buy it?”

     Reia looked down at the Neopoints in her hand. She had just enough! She spent the rest of her Neopoints, but she hoped it would be worth it.

     “Thank you,” the Library Faerie said as Reia handed over the item. “As your reward, I will call upon the Rainbow Fountain Faerie! She will allow you to take a dip in the Rainbow Fountain!”

     Reia thought she was going to cry! She ran to the Rainbow Fountain, where Neopets were swimming and changing colours! The Rainbow Fountain Faerie let her in, and she swam in the Fountain. Before she knew it, she was suddenly flying! She had done it, she was now a Faerie Bruce!

     Reia returned to the Faerie Festival grounds. Now that she had completed her quest, she would love to get a petpet, she thought. Suddenly, the Blibble was back in front of her. “Halt! Before you can continue, you must choose a side! You can either join Jhudora’s or Illusen’s team.”

     Reia showed the Blibble her Poisonous Lollypop again, and the Blibble gasped. “Oh, you’re that Red Bruce from earlier! You must have received an invitation to the Rainbow Fountain!”

     Reia smiled. “I did! I’m so happy!”

     “Well,” the Blibble said, “What are you going to do now?”

     Reia thought about it. “I have a lot of junk to recycle, and I would really like to get a petpet. I’m out of Neopoints, so I hope I just get lucky today.”

     The Blibble smiled. “Recycling is a good thing to do! You should also visit the Wheel of Excitement! The first spin of the day is free, and you might be able to get some Neopoints if you need them!”

     Reia smiled at the Blibble. “Thank you, I’ll definitely stop there!”

     “My name is Sparkles,” the Blibble introduced herself.

     “I’m Reia! Nice to meet you Sparkles!”

     “My shift is just about over for today,” Sparkles told Reia. “Would you like some company?”

     Reia smiled. “I’d love that! Let’s head over to the recycling center first!”

     Reia and Sparkles both started flying towards the recycling center. “Isn’t flying just the best?” Sparkles asked.

     “It honestly is! How long have you been a Faerie Blibble?”

     “Oh, not long. I was wandering around right before the Festival started when Queen Fyora found me and offered to paint me Faerie if I worked at the Festival.”

     “That sounds so cool! Do you have an owner?”

     “No,” Sparkles started tearing up. “I was abandoned after only a few days with my owner. I’ve been wandering around Neopia ever since, looking for a new home.”

     Reia started tearing up as well. “That’s so sad!”

     Sparkles shook her head and smiled. “I was hoping that by working the Festival, I would meet a Neopet who wanted me so I could find a new owner.”

     Reia smiled. “I hope you do!” Reia thought about it, and shouted “Wait! You need an owner, and I want a Petpet. Would you like to be my Petpet?”

     Sparkles started tearing up again. “Really? You mean it?”

     “Of course! I’ve been having so much fun with you!”

     Sparkles hugged Reia. “Oh, I would love that! I’ll have to finish working the Festival, but after that I’d love to become your Petpet!”

     Reia smiled. “Perfect! I’ll come visit you at the Festival everyday so that we can hang out, and I’ll make sure I’m here on the last day to come get you!”

     And just like that, Reia completed her main quest, and another quest she hadn’t even thought about. She was a Faerie Bruce, and she gained a Petpet and best friend. And her new Petpet was a Faerie too!

     The End.

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