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Most Haunted Places in Neopia-not the Haunted Woods

by yami_wolfwood


'Tis the season for Neopets around the world to start investigating all things creepy and sinister. Whether your interests are in proving the existence of ghosts (which, you know, has already been proven) or contacting spirits on the other side to ask for investment advice, you’ll want to go to the best hot spots of paranormal activity. Your first thought might be the Haunted Woods, but these days the Haunted Woods is too mainstream. Each year, the majority of spooky-minded Neopets flock to the Castle of Eliv Thade and the fairgrounds to find ghouls, only to inevitably scare off all the ghosts!

     Fear not, faithful reader! We’re here to make sure you get your fill of wraiths this holiday season with our guide to the Most Haunted Places in Neopia (that aren’t in the Haunted Woods)!

      #5 - Geraptiku’s Deserted Tomb

     The first stop on our list might sound a little obvious to some readers. Of course the deserted tomb, famous for its spike traps and assorted dangerous inconveniences will be a hotbed of ghoulish activity. Certainly, most Neopians know it as a potential ghoulish hunting location. Wouldn’t it be almost as well trodden as the Haunted Woods themselves?

     You see, its reputation for creating ghosts is exactly why it’s on the list. Most reasonable Pets out investigating the paranormal are only looking to do so within the realms of relative safety. The tomb offers far too many poisoned darts to partake in, which leaves it, well, deserted.

     Legally, we are not able to advise anyone to go to the Deserted Tomb. Our office does not endorse any activities which may result in injuries or booboos. But for those ghost hunters who prefer to throw caution to the wind, Geraptiku might be a good choice for you.

      #4 - Tyrannian Concert Hall

     The more astute readers might have guessed that the creepiest place in Tyrannia would be the Battlegrounds, or perhaps the Tyrannian War Memorial, or even the Lair of the Beast. All three seem ripe for the spooky pickings. However, such readers would have failed to account for how much Neopians love to ROCK OUT!

     That’s right, one of the best ghost hunting spots in the northern hemisphere is the beloved Tyrannian Concert Hall. A few too many citizens have taken “Wock Til You Drop” literally. But who can blame them? Yes Boy Ice Cream? More like, Yes boy! I SCREAM! …for ice cream. …Haunted ice cream!

     Relatedly, our reporters want to assure the public that there is no basis to the rumours that any of the bands are involved in the increased ghost activity at the concert hall. There have been no documented cases of Jub Zambra’s Cobralls breaking loose and biting concert goers. The only bones Sticks N Stones have broken were their drum stick drumsticks. The Marauders are too mellow to marauder anything these days.

      #3 - Kreludor’s Neocola Vending Machine

     It is a well-documented fact that the moon is haunted. Meteor Crash Site 725-XZ is a hotbed for extraterrestrial spirits. Yet despite the alien ghosts, the meteor is not the number one travel destination for moon-going paranormal investigators.

     That honour belongs to the Neocola Vending Machine.

     Did you know that more Neopets are injured in vending machine accidents than by Jetsams every year? It’s true, look it up. Partly that’s because most people are too wary to pick a fight with a Jetsam. But it’s also partially because Sloth has rigged the vending machine to have unpleasant surprises! He also deliberately hides evidence on the moon so as to keep the Space Station haunting-free. It might also have something to do with people shaking the machine violently when their Neocola gets stuck halfway down.

     No matter the reason, should you be in the market for some disembodied voices whispering over your shoulder, catch the next flight to Kreludor!

      #2 – Darigan Citadel Dungeons

      For our penultimate location, we find ourselves in the skies above Meridell. Deep underneath the floating fortress are the notorious dungeons where countless criminals, and maybe a few innocents, have rotted away. Many pets who are sentenced to remain in the cells were told that the only way to earn their freedom was to win against The Warden at Cell Block. It’s impossible to know how many prisoners have cell block tangoed with Master Vex, as the warden keeps all records under lock and key. However, if one were to judge by the supernatural activity in the dungeon, it would be safe to say that Vex has many opponents that will be staying to play forever.

      The legends of the Cell Block are quite notorious across Neopia, so it would seem that many Neopets would flock there for ghost hunting. However, the reason the dungeons are so high on our list is one of pure convenience: almost nobody can be bothered to go there! While some may be gifted with wings of feather or faerie kind, many investigators don’t have access to flighted transportation. Those who do have wings or the means to rent a hot air balloon then find themselves cell blocked by bureaucracy. It requires an enormous amount of paperwork to gain access to the dungeons, filed in triplicate, and submitted to the proper channels to be processed in ninety-to-one-hundred business days. We have not had any reports of a ghost seeker who willingly had themself arrested in order to gain access to the dungeons, but it may be that they got in, but never managed to win enough games to get out with their findings.

      #1 – Kiko Lake’s Boat Tours

     Who knew that quiet Kiko Lake could be the scariest place to go at night under a blood moon? Indeed, few would ever think spectres would lurk amongst the cottages that line the shore. That is in fact true! If you want to find the most wraiths outside of the Haunted Woods, you cannot keep your paws on solid land.

     To find more spirits than anywhere else, you’ll need to take a moonlit Glass Bottom Boat tour. At night, in the deeper waters, anyone is able to find dozens or perhaps even hundreds of ghosts ripe for the interviewing. The oceans are truly a treasure trove, if you’ll pardon the phrase, of haunted lands, er… waters.

     You might ask, if the ocean is so haunted, wouldn’t it be easier to go to Maraqua to find these spectral subjects? Here, dear reader, is where we reveal a little known but vital fact for any would-be investigator: Ghosts float.

      Honorable Mention: Lutari Island

      Our reporters feel it’s important to draw attention to the potential of Lutari Island. No one who has gone there has ever returned to tell the tale. No one can prove definitively that it ISN’T haunted. It might be full of ghosts and ghouls and wraiths and spirits AND poltergeists! Who’s to say? Without any evidence in either direction, we have no choice but to presume that Lutari Island is both haunted and not haunted at the same time, just like a Halloween Meowclops. For those readers drawn to adventure, maybe consider sailing into the unknown and bring back documentation of those dead-and-alive ghosts.

      And there you have it dear readers! If this Halloween you intend to put on your ghost hunting cap, maybe consider trying one of these off the beaten path locations to test your spectral detectors. May the spirits bless you with a wealth of stock market advising!

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