The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 196,348,468 Issue: 908 | 24th day of Swimming, Y22
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"The Origin of the Magical Wand of Magicalness" by pixie_tea
What is a true friend to you? How a true friend is defined is different to each Neopian or Neopet. At times, a Neopian or Neopet may not truly know the meaning of a true friend until they come across one. Would you like to hear a story about a friend and the impact they had on my pet and me as well as how the Magical Wand of Magicalness came to existence? You would? Great! Let us take a walk together and I will lead the way. We do not have that far to walk. I really want you to meet my pet, Karainbow the Pastel Kacheek, because after we meet up with her, the telling of the story...

Other Stories


A Faerieland Day in Neopia Central
Kora is upset because she's unable to visit Faerieland but her mother comes up with a genius plan!

by bobajfett


Willow's Calling
A young weewoo named willow must find her way... also by tarons

by devotedly


Going GaGa for Goparokko
After the elusive Goparokko avatar, or just looking to switch things up with a good old puzzle game? Either way, if you're going gaga playing this game then this is the guide for you!

by cute_panda3


A Definitive List of the Top 10 NC Mall Collectibles
The Top 10 NC Mall Collectibles of all time in order of release dateco-written with candiiapples

by cinnamonraisinbread


Navigation Issues
fyora should put some signs around this tower...

by gikah_ventura


Collaborative Confusion #5: Turmac Bowl
Roll away the day Made in collaboration with Chao_of_the_chaos

by 1337_masta

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