A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 196,348,468 Issue: 908 | 24th day of Swimming, Y22
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Short Stories

Willow's Calling

A young weewoo named willow must find her way... also by tarons

by devotedly
The Origin of the Magical Wand of Magicalness

At times, a Neopian or Neopet may not truly know the meaning of a true friend until they come across one... Authors Note:Dedicated to my friend the brilliant and creative Maraquan and to remind everyone to keep on shining!

by pixie_tea
A Faerieland Day in Neopia Central

Kora is upset because she's unable to visit Faerieland but her mother comes up with a genius plan!

by bobajfett
The Adventurous Yellow Kacheek

A Kacheek and her petpet Hasee go on an adventure to Faerieland!

by bubbles150
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Getting Your Daily On - Benefits and Pitfalls

Getting Your Daily On - Benefits and Pitfalls What is a daily? On Neopets, a "daily" is a to-do item that you can do every day. Typically these are just link clicks to a free item or free neopoints. They can also be a chance to get a site avatar or get a rare item. In this article, I will be going over various dailies and explaining the benefits and pitfalls of each one. You’ll notice that I don’t list or go over each and every daily. Here are the highlights: Healing Springs: Two options show up when you visit the Healing Springs. You can either ask the faerie to heal your pets or browse the shop. If you chose healing hit points are restored to your active pet. Sometimes fully and other times not. However, in the shop you can purchase items...

Other Stories


Going GaGa for Goparokko
After the elusive Goparokko avatar, or just looking to switch things up with a good old puzzle game? Either way, if you're going gaga playing this game then this is the guide for you!

by cute_panda3


Don’t-wait-for-reset Game Trophies
There are plenty of trophies you can acquire - or at least work towards - at absolutely any time! Let’s look at them together!

by ashley_ru


The Music Box
Elon must deal with the repercussions of Filo's letter becoming public knowledge...

by eracina


Selected Volumes from Brightvale Library
This week Selected Volumes from Brightvale Library explores Hubrids Book of Death!

by herdygerdy


Real Remedies at the NeoHospital Part VIII
Who knew that looking good could cure Neophobia!

by andypopo


Unwarranted Advice
That farmer looks shifty to me...

by katiekazoo

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