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Random Contest Winners!

Every week or so we have a new Random Contest. The rules and events vary from competition to competition. Below are the winners from the last contest. If you'd like to enter the current contest, wander on over to the Random Contest submission form and have a look at what the currently silly task is. If you think you're up for it, give it a shot and submit your entry.

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Magic Camp

Welcome to Kauvara's Magic Camp!

Oh dear, do you miss home already? Well... we have the cure for that here at the random contest headquarters! This week's contest is for you to draw a Neopian Magic themed postcard, and then write text to your family or friends at home. The prefered way for you to submit the post card is an image with pictures of both sides of the postcard showing. Add stamps and make sure you list your Neopian address so it gets to it's desitination. Make sure you tell us about the scene on your postcard and maybe explain who you are writing to in the description. The entries will be judged on beauty, creativity, and humour. Good Luck!

First Place

Five winners receive the Random Contest avatar, 10,000 NP and an item of DOOM.

Slorgs are taking over Magic Camp!
by buffylemon

Wish you were here
by daemonschile

Magic gone Amiss
by lilbob343

The Little Rascal
by lnstaton

Khonyr's First Day
by x3mma

Second Place

Ten lucky people have 5,000 NP, the Random Contest avatar and an item whizzing their way.

Aradolin's Vacation
by crystal_dragon_eye

Magic Camp
by dappled_moon

Postcard from Magic Camp
by elfedward

Kauvara's Camp with no Brainwashing
by kjt665

To my socks, this postcard goes...
by kristine2467

Fun at Magic Camp!
by lollipopper2008

Explosive Fun at Magic Camp!
by marlee_wuz_here

by masterofdrangonheart

Kauvara's Postcard
by namaquis

With Love from Magic Camp
by schwalje24

Third Place

Lastly there were 100 runners-up who will each receive 2,000 NP and the Random Contest avatar.

IMPORTANT - SUBMISSION POLICY! By uploading or otherwise submitting any materials to Neopets, you (and your parents) are automatically granting us permission to use those materials for free in any manner we can think of forever throughout the universe. These materials must be created ONLY by the person submitting them - you cannot submit someone else's work. Also, if you're under age 18, ALWAYS check with your parents before you submit anything to us!