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Random Contest Winners!

Every week or so we have a new Random Contest. The rules and events vary from competition to competition. Below are the winners from the last contest. If you'd like to enter the current contest, wander on over to the Random Contest submission form and have a look at what the currently silly task is. If you think you're up for it, give it a shot and submit your entry.

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Space Faerie Forcast

Oh where, oh where has she gone?

If you have been paying attention to the Return of Dr. Sloth plot you may have noticed that the Space Faerie is missing. In the next week we want you to decide where and what you think the Space Faerie is doing and draw a picture of her doing it (whatever you decide she is doing). Please tell us what she is doing in the description. We don't want to guess!

First Place

Ten winners receive the Random Contest avatar, 10,000 NP and an item of DOOM.

Must... Defeat... Sloth...
by _demon_devil_

The secret teacher of meepits
by _rikkuest_

She sure can talk alot...
by acsseijay

What a great place to hide myself
by cauinha

by chibilynx

Who wants to escape anyways...
by e_lemon_ator

Lost in the Neoboards
by guifisilva1

Stuck in Traffic
by masked_acorn

Space Faerie Issues
by tess_240

Space Faerie's addiction
by tsukuyomaru

Second Place

Twenty lucky people have 5,000 NP, the Random Contest avatar and an item whizzing their way.

Avatar Adventurer
by 5ugar_plum_faerie

Inside a... meteor?
by aurora_shu

Space Faerie on Vacation
by babydante

Golfing in Space
by bad_angel4life

That Crafty Faerie...
by bella_firenze

Frozen Awareness
by brokensilent

Far away in space...
by crow_rulez

Catching Up On Her Reading
by curve

Game of Cheat!
by fjant

Roller-Skating Space Faerie
by hayleycz

Taking pictures
by islandpet00

Poppits are no substitute!
by koshi24

The Space Faerie passing the time
by leprana

An Afternoon Snack
by lexiana

Ol' Granny Space Faerie
by me_like_juice

Lost in Space. . . Fungus?
by silver_taurus

Space Faerie Chess Time
by taz_241590

Hehe.. oops?
by timekill

You ain't gettin' my avatar so easy
by xiceangelzx

The Spce Faerie - playing games ?
by zaniic

Third Place

Lastly there were 100 runners-up who will each receive 2,000 NP and the Random Contest avatar.

IMPORTANT - SUBMISSION POLICY! By uploading or otherwise submitting any materials to Neopets, you (and your parents) are automatically granting us permission to use those materials for free in any manner we can think of forever throughout the universe. These materials must be created ONLY by the person submitting them - you cannot submit someone else's work. Also, if you're under age 18, ALWAYS check with your parents before you submit anything to us!