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Random Contest Winners!

Every week or so we have a new Random Contest. The rules and events vary from competition to competition. Below are the winners from the last contest. If you'd like to enter the current contest, wander on over to the Random Contest submission form and have a look at what the currently silly task is. If you think you're up for it, give it a shot and submit your entry.

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Spooky Spooks


The last contest for the month of October is going to be a costume for your pet. No, not your Neopet; your real-life pet. :) Your task for the next two weeks is to create a spooky Neopets-themed costume. The costume should be of some spooky item on the site. An example might be a Glaring Eye Wrap. So pick out a spooky Neopets item and try to make it into a costume that is cool, interesting and fun for your pet. You have a lot of time to work on it so make sure you do a good job. We will expect a full description of what the costume is of and how you made it. We will judge entries based on creativity, likeness to the original item, and its amusement value. :)

First Place

five winners receive the Random Contest avatar, 10,000 NP and an item of DOOM.

Jelly Spider Eyeball costume
by alexvel2000

Charlie the Green Gremble
by greenladysoap

Sandy The Bone Dog
by jenniebeastie

Crypt of Spaghetti
by naldo

by yommy_v20

Second Place

Fifteen lucky people have 5,000 NP, the Random Contest avatar and an item whizzing their way.

The Candy Corn Classic Cavy!
by _awsome_pets_

Candy Pea Kitties
by alnana

Nia as 'Esophagor Table'
by credmond8

Quiggle Pie
by iniuria

Slorg Bunny
by katopia12

Scary Spider
by martialartsgirl03

Hamster Meepit Lamp
by mitzikatz

Gummy Hamster Eyeballs
by reniebeanie_4894

Furniture or pet?
by sassysubsis

Midnight the spooky bean
by snufflepup

Guinea pigs are watching you
by susa177

Halloween JubJub Plushie
by syzygy26

Lili Lime Pudding
by tortuga_1

Spooky Trick or Treat Bag
by vampireslayer142

Pixie's Spooky Doughnut
by zoe_12

Third Place

Lastly there were 100 runners-up who will each receive 2,000 NP and the Random Contest avatar.

IMPORTANT - SUBMISSION POLICY! By uploading or otherwise submitting any materials to Neopets, you (and your parents) are automatically granting us permission to use those materials for free in any manner we can think of forever throughout the universe. These materials must be created ONLY by the person submitting them - you cannot submit someone else's work. Also, if you're under age 18, ALWAYS check with your parents before you submit anything to us!