Pet Spotlight
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- Today's Pet Spotlight -
Pet Name: SandStormDarude and Tailre
Owner: Salmon_Arm_Chic
Breed: Cybunny and Aisha
About SandStormDarude and Tailre:
"Hello. I am SandStormDarude. I am a yellow Cybunny. My
mommy is Salmon_Arm_Chic. I have two sisters, Myuuy and SilverFireStorm, and
one brother, Tailre. I am the youngest in the family, then Tai, then Myuuy,
the Silver. Supposedly, I am the smartest, at least according to Silver.
Myuuy probably thinks so too, but she won't admit it. Now, when I was first
born, I was sent to the great adoption agency in the neosky. No, not The
Neopian Adoption Agency, I'm talking about the one where other pets like me
find their first home. If they cannot be taken care of by their real family.
Anyway, I was very young, so I don't remember much about life in the
orphanage. All I remember was there were these kind poogles, named Puggzles
and bloodybloodhound, and they would always visit the orphanange during
holidays, and give us presents. Later, mommy joined the guild that their
parents were in. Anyway, the day I was adopted, was a wonderful day.
Salmon_Arm_Chic walked over to me, and said 'Hello, whats your name?' I was
overwhelmed. I had never spoken to someone who thought about adopting me.
They all went to the tougher Cybunnies. The ones that liked makeup or
sports. I'd rather read a book, or go on the computer. I couldn't say
anything. Then another Cybunny came over to her, and said 'Oh that's
SandStorm. Nobody likes her! She is a freak!' 'Now now, I don't think you
should talk that way about her.' Salmon_Arm_Chic said. And she picked me up,
and took me over to the Adoption Guy, filled out the forms, and walked
outside. 'So, SandStormDarude, tell me about yourself!' and I knew I
belonged to a NeoFamily!"
"Hello. I am Tailre. NOT Taylor. Tyler. Tai! Call me Tai...
Now... I am here with my mommy and my sister, so I'm not scared! Anyway, I
was adopted long ago... I was the Aisha who would always be beat up or
teased. Nobody liked me. It was really scary there. Nobody liked me. Even
the Adoption Guy was mean! He took away my Teddy Bear. He said he was
cleaning 'it' cause 'it' was dirty.
I said 'Teddy is not a it, he's a he...' 'Well Tailre, you have to
understand, its not real!' 'I know that! I'm sorry...' I was scared. You
can't blame me, that was a scary situation. I ran into my corner, while the
other aisha's laughed. Then Salmon_Arm_Chic came in. I was crying like a
baby, and there was a person trying to decide who she wanted. This was even
sadder. I cryed even harder. Salmon_Arm_Chic walked over to... um... another
Aisha, (I hardly knew any of their names) and the other aisha said 'If you
take me, you HAVE TO TAKE MY BESTEST BEST FRIENDS!' 'Well, I can only get
one Aisha, I am sorry, I would like to take you all home, but cause of
financial matters, that won't happen.' Then she walked over to me. It was so
scary. 'What's your name?' she asked. I tried to get deeper into the corner.
'Its okay, I won't hurt you, she said. I looked right into her eyes, and I
knew she was telling the truth. She picked me up. Even though I was afraid
of heights, I felt safe in my new mommy's arms. The other Aisha's yelled
'BYE TAILRE!!' as I left."
Well, they pretty-much said all I wanted to say. SO I'll finish it off. When
I brought Tailre home, SilverFireStorm yelled 'What a wimp!' and her and
Myuuy left the room laughing. When I brought SandStormDarude home, the only
person she would get along with was Tai. It took a while for her to get used
to Silver. Myuuy doesn't get along with her.
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